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"Shit, what is that thing?" The man who's name was Lyle said, coward behind the other man.

"It's a doggy, hey woofy," the other man stupidly approached the creature.

Lei'wa needed to step in immediately. The animal growled, baring its fangs.

Soon more viperwolfs emerged from the bushes, ready to pounce. The men held up their guns, aiming at the animals, stupidly attempting to shoot them as they came closer. Each shot made the viperwolfs angrier.

One clawed itself on one of the men, trying to bite off his face. They soon began to wrestle with the animals. Lei'wa dragged her hand down her face and let out a irritated hiss.

She jumped from the branch, shooting a viperwolf who had attached itself to the taller man's shirt. She hissed aggressively, hitting the ones were trying to claw at them with her bow.

They whimpered and backed off, giving them one last hiss which displayed her fangs.

Lyle and Miles shared a look, watching their savior walk towards the shot animal. She placed a gentle hand on its head and began to whisper in Na'vi, which at the time was a foreign language to the men.

They watched as she slid a sharp dagger out of a small satchel attached to her waist. They winced as she pushed the knife into the flesh, the squelching noise making them cringe.

"Uh? Thanks, Cupcake" Miles smiled, his fangs on display as Lyle rolled his eyes.

She ignored the two boys and continued to whisper in Na'vi before gently pulling out the dagger and sliding it back into the satchel.

She stood up and began to walk off, pissed off with herself for failing at her mission.

"Weirdo" Lyle grumbled, returning back to his work.

"Hey wait up!" Miles said, following her and putting an arm on her shoulder.

She whipped around aggressively, a hiss escaping her throat as she pointed her bow at him, "Do not touch," she growled, threatening him with the pointier end of her bow.

"Woah, calm down" he said putting his hands up in surrender.

"Demon" she hissed, pressing her bow closer into him.

Lyle appeared from behind the bushes, "Miles, what are you doing?"

"Shut up, Im trying to get her trust" he whispered, thinking that she couldn't hear their hushed voices.

"I'm not deaf." She rolled her eyes, walking off again.

Miles was confused, how did she speak such fluent English?

Miles' eyes trailed down her body, she was slender she was evidently strong from her toned muscles.

Her tail swished around as she pushed through the leaves.

"Woman! Lady? Blue girl!" Miles called, running after her, Lyle hot on his heels.

"My name is not blue girl." She seethed, turning around to face him.

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 - 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now