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She lead the man to a place surrounded by trees, in the night giving off a light pink glow. She pointed to a tree before taking a running start and climbing up the roots to a large branch.

"We will be safer up here" she said, climbing up another set of branches, "Your branch will be that one," her fingers pointing to the branch below her own.

"How come I don't get the top?" He asked, trying to climb the tree but miserably failing.

"Because you cannot climb very well, this is an easier branch to reach" she shrugged, setting up her bed using large leaves she plucked from the tree.

"How do I make that thing?" He asked, again like a child. She huffed, obviously irritated.

"Pluck the leaves and lay them down." She said, taking a few for him.

"There," she said, "make it yourself" laying her head on the leaf closer to the tree trunk, immediately falling asleep.

He watched as she entered a deep sleep within a matter of seconds, was she really that tired?

He thought her hair was beautiful, his eyes drifting from her face to her arm. A tattoo caught her eye, the design intriguing him.

He sat up against the trunk and pressed his intercom, "Lyle," he called, "Lyle do you copy" he hissed, trying not to wake her.

In his lap he held the leaves she gave him, trying to leave his message for Lyle before falling asleep.

"Colonel," he heard Lyle's voice in his ear.

"Lyle, listen to me carefully," he said, "I got her to teach me, I will be MIA for some time, do not inform the RDA of my disappearance, I have a plan and I don't want them screwing shit up." His voice was low, whispering.

"I copy sir," he heard Lyle rustling around, "I know a base where I can camp, I will wait there for you Boss man" Lyle chuckled, getting into his sleeping bag.

"Always loyal aren't you Lyle," Quaritch chuckled, "goodnight, I will inform you as soon as possible, this is Colonel Miles Quaritch signing off, for now" he joked, turning off his intercom.

He made his makeshift bed on the branch, hiding his intercom under the leaves, trying to get comfortable. He stared at the girl above her, getting into a similar position. This is quite comfortable.

Now there in the tree, slept the last two people you'd think would ever tolerate each other.

Lei'wa's eyes fluttered open, the sunlight peeking through the trees casting a light in their secluded area. sitting up on the branch she peered over the edge to see the man still asleep.

"wake up" she hissed, sliding from her branch to his, poking his arm.

"I'm up, whats the rush" he grumbled, rubbing his eyes and turning over to face her.

She was crouched on the unoccupied part of his branch, an irritated look on her face as she eyed his clothes. "You need to change," she said, "First task, make your new clothes, your weird, sky people demon clothes don't help here." she stood up, reaching up to her branch to take some rope and cloth she had packed, pulling some small leaves from the tree.

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 - 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now