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Soon it had been about a month since Miles had began to live the Na'vi way, Lyle was still at camp, waiting for any notice from his best friend but nothing came. He trusted him therefore he didn't question his actions.

Miles on the other hand was learning more and more everyday, his Na'vi was getting better, his feet stronger, he was able to run longer every day, yet his skills with a bow were still weak.

Lei'wa began to warm up to him, becoming less harsh and more friendly, she found herself smiling at his words or watching him as he inspected the plants.

She was awake earlier than usual, the sun was only just rising. Sprawled on the branch, listening to the chirping of the birds.

Pushing herself up she slid down the branch as quietly as she good, landing on Miles' branch with a soft thud before climbing down to reach the ground.

She allowed herself to breath in the morning air, closing her eyes. The stream caught her eye, she had the time didn't she?

She made her way a little farther down the stream, and dipped her toes in the water. It was fresh and slightly cold.

First she slipped off her top, placing it neatly to the side before sliding off her bottoms carefully, folding them over her top.

She stood in the water, her tail swishing excitedly. The water came up to just a little above her knees. With her arms crossed over her chest she sat down in the water. A shaky sigh escaped her lips, the water washing against her.

Once she was fully submerged she began to rinse her hair, combing through it with her fingers.

Little did she know that a certain man was coming her way without thinking of the consequences.

A twig snapped. Lei'wa whipped around aggressively to find Miles stood there like a lost animal, his eyes wide. She held her hands crossed over her chest protectively, "Miles!" She hissed, "I'm a bit busy here," pointing with her head to the water.

"I know I'm sorry but I want fruit and I don't know where to grab it from," he said, a sad frown on his face as he covered his eyes.

"The tree we sleep in has many, use your head for once," she sighed, turning away from him.

The hand that was hiding his eyes came down to his side as he looked at her for a few seconds, analyzing her slender back, "Thank you Lei'wa," he smiled, going back to the tree, trying to cool down his warming ears.

At first Miles was only there to gain her trust, find out where Jake Sully is then betray her, but over the last month he fell more and more in love with the Na'vi culture and lifestyle. How free it felt.

For the last few weeks guilt had been eating away at his stomach as he remembered what his mission was, who he would have to hurt to get what he wanted.

In his memories he knew as a human he was ruthless, he was a destroyer, an evil man, yet it didn't feel true to him. Was he really the villain in this story?

He had wandered back to their tree, his ears still pink from his encounter with Lei'wa in the stream. The image replayed in his mind, he smacked his face multiple times to make himself forget.

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 - 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now