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Miles' training was on track, he was bound to become a warrior and complete the ritual which made him one of the people.

Lei'wa and Miles began to grow closer as the months passed. Soon it had been about 4 months since they were living in the camp site. Miles was perfecting most of his skills. He was able to hunt with a bow now and was considered an experienced Pa'li rider.

There were late night talks at the back of the tent almost every night where they spoke about their life, Lei'wa wouldn't admit it but she secretly loved their late night talks.

"What did you get that tattoo for?" Miles asked, Lei'wa and him were sat across from each other, legs crossed as they shared stories. Miles reached forward to grab her arm, pulling it towards him. He gently traced the design as Lei'wa analyzed his movements. He was like a child in her eyes, how fascinated he was with everything around him.

"I got that tattoo for being the youngest female warrior," she said, looking into his eyes.

"Thats amazing, but why does it matter that you're youngest?" He asked curiously, looking at her with a tilted head.

"Here, you get a tattoo for every accomplishment," she said, "Becoming the youngest female warrior to date is a huge honor," she expressed, looking at him.

He gave her a smile, "thats so cool," his grip loosened on her arm and she brought it back towards herself.

He had one more question, he looked at her and began to speak, "I've also seen, people with matching tattoos, is that like a best friend thing or?" He wondered, looking at her, ready to learn.

"Those are mate tattoos, a mated pair get a tattoo together to symbolize their love," she said, looking at her bare shoulder.

"Have you got a mate yet?" He asked, his heart and head hoping she didn't.

"I haven't, people have tried to promise me to their sons but I disagreed. With a mate you're supposed to feel a spark," she wistfully said, looking out at the stars, "I feel like a spark is very important," she expressed, looking back at Miles to catch him already staring at her.

She let out a yawn, "let's go to sleep Miles," she said, standing up, waiting for him to stand up with her.

"Yea, just give me a minute," he smiled, looking back out at the stars.

He hadn't contacted Lyle in a while, at first it was out of fear that Lei'wa would catch him but now he realized its because he actually enjoys his life here.

He stood up, walking back around to their tent, a hand put itself on his shoulder, Tarsem.

"Tarsem," he said curtly, looking down at the man next to him.

"Miles, I want you to take good care of her," He looked forward, making no eye contact with Miles.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Miles was confused, looking at Tarsem who didn't take his eyes off of the tent that Miles was about to enter.

"Miles. Lei'wa is my best friend, I love her to death, and I want you to tell me that you'll take good care of her, protect her." He said, finally looking up at Miles.

"Please, I've never seen her look at a man the way she looks at you, don't break her heart," he pleaded, placing both hands on Miles' shoulders, "my brother," he said, pulling their foreheads together.

"My brother." Miles repeated, leaning into the forehead touch.


I know!! Three updates in one day?!? Yes. This is just a sweet little filler chapter I wrote before it leads up to the big stuff!

Chapter 10 here we come! Stay tuned for the next 5 - 10 chapters guys! Big stuff happening 💗💗

hope you enjoyed!


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