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"Keep up loser!" Lei'wa yelled on her Ikran, the pair heading to the tree of voices, "I am!" Miles laughed, flying next to her.

They soon dipped into the trees where a light tree was shimmering. The Ikran landed on the ground, allowing their riders to climb off before flying away.

"This is the tree of voices," Lei'wa said, looking back at Miles, "It was destroyed by the sky people years ago, but Eywa regrew as much of it as she could," she smiled, leading Miles in between the hanging branches.

He knew the tree of voices, he was the one who ordered the destruction of it all those years ago.

He stared after her as she gently grabbed one of the branches, holding up her queue before connecting it to the branch. He followed her and delicately held a branch, connecting his queue to the branch. The sound of voices erupted in his head as Lei'wa spoke up, "You are now one of the people, you hear the voices of our ancestors," she brought her head to the branch he was connected to.

"Now that you are Omaticaya, you may carve your bow from any tree of your choosing from the forest," she said, turning away and holding a branch, her gaze drifting to the ground.

"You may also choose a woman, or a man," she smiled, turning to face him, "I'm being inclusive," she shrugged.

"You do have many fine women," he said, looking at her with a thinking face.

"Like who?" Lei'wa asked, turning back to the branch she held.

"Nemini is a good hunter, I've seen her in action," he pondered, watching Lei'wa's back tense up, "Or Rey'ka, I thought she was sweet" he grinned, at this point he was just trying to tease her.

"Miles." She said, a tenseness in her voice which he picked up on. He wanted to keep playing with her, "Amina is very tactical and sma-"

"For fucks sake," she muttered, whipping around quickly to face him, "what happened Lei'wa?" He asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Miles, my Eywa," she groaned, rubbing her face in annoyance.

"What?" He said, looking at her as confused as he possibly could, he was ready to see her snap, tell him that he should shut up and move on but he was shocked by what came out of her mouth next.

"Miles, fucking hell," she hissed, "Do you not get it?" She questioned, moving closer to him, "Miles, I want you," her eyes searched his for any sign that he may reject her, but she found non.

He found himself speechless, looking down at the girl in front if him.

"Jesus Christ Lei'wa, thats all I needed to hear," he said, bringing himself closer to her.

At this point they were chest to chest, their faces inches away from each other, "good" Lei'wa breathed out, bringing herself onto her tip toes to gently kiss him, his hands instinctively went around her waist, holding her secure against him.

Her hands slid up from his chest to hold his neck as she continued to push herself against him. The pair pulled away slowly, trying to catch their breath.

She pulled them to the ground, sitting close to him, his hand went to her neck, pulling her towards him and she let him take the lead.

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 - 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now