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"Lei'wa darling, will you please clean up, your father and I are going on a walk," Her mother asked, looking at her daughter with a knowing look.

"Yea, of course, bye mama," she smiled before looking at her father with a salty face, did he expect that she was going to immediately welcome him back with a hug? After he disappeared like that? She didn't feel like talking to him just yet.

Once her parents left and the pair finished cleaning up after themselves, Lei'wa turned to miles, "Come with me," she smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling her out of their tent.

She took him to behind her tent where there was a large opening in the rock. She laid down on the ground staring at the stars, "I think the stars are beautiful," she sighed, looking at Miles who laid down next to her.

"They're prettier here than they are on earth," he mumbled, his eyes scanning the sky.

Lei'wa turned on her side to face him, "what was it like on earth, from when you were human?" She asked, looking at him.

"It was, horrible," he chuckled, placing his hands on his stomach, his eyes locked on the sky.

Lei'wa laid next to him, staring at the side of his face, "How so?" She wondered, getting comfortable.

"The air was shit, thats what I remember, our environment dying," he sighed, "When I was a child, I remember my dad," he looked at the stars wistfully.

"He used to point to the stars, right there," he closed an eye and pointed to a star, "the constellation Cassiopeia was my favorite," he grinned finally turning to look at Lei'wa.

"There are no constellations on Pandora," she laughed, "just the stars," she patted his arm comfortingly.

"I know," he sighed, looking back at the stars.

And there the pair sat in silence, not a word
being said, just pure comfortable silence.

After they had sat there for a while soon they began to grow tired, standing up and heading back to the tent. Lei'wa's parents were already asleep in their room, so they quietly moved into hers.

"I'll sleep here," she said, placing a thin layer on the sand and laying down. Miles held the lantern, watching as she constantly readjusted herself on the uncomfortable floor.

"Lei'wa, I promise it's fine, sleep on your bed," he said, standing up and moving to take her place on the small layer on the floor.

"No you're the guest," she said, putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him back.

"Lei'wa." He said, towering over her, she only came up to slightly below his shoulder joint.

"I said you will sleep in your own bed." He ordered, giving her a stern look.

"Fine," she shrugged, moving towards it, his shoulders relaxed and she whipped around, pulling her with him onto the bed.

"If we can't decide, then we will share." She grinned, getting comfortable, "now sleep tight, you've got a lot to learn tomorrow," a smile on her face as she made room for him, "sleep back to back. I don't need to wake up and find you cuddling me," she joked, moving more onto her side.

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 - 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now