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Miles laid on his back, his mind going back to what Tarsem had said, "Please, I've never seen her look at a man the way she looks at you, don't break her heart,"

What did he mean by that?

Miles turned his head slightly to the side to see Lei'wa deeply asleep, in a very weird position. He tried not to laugh at how she was asleep, arms above her shoulders, legs in a star fish pose, all that could be heard was the sound of her snores and the insects chirping. But he didn't mind, he thought it was cute.

He looked over at his folded military clothes, knowing his intercom was stuffed there in between the pants and shirt. He hadn't touched it since he arrived. He didn't want to disturb his peace, for once, the voices in his head were quiet.

He felt calmer, no tension in his face from frowning at soldiers who didn't do their job correctly or the constant training with no breaks. His human mind was wrong, Pandora wasn't a danger, it was how earth was supposed to be.

Miles grew tired, his eyes finally closing for a good nights rest before tomorrow's events. More bow training. He sighed unhappily, how much he hated that stupid bow training.

"Miles," he woke up to his name being called and rolled over groaning, "let me sleep," he grumbled, trying to move away from the voice.

"Miles. Village life starts early. We have to get to your bow practice, come on" Lei'wa said, pulling him aggressively towards her.

"Okay, okay, I'm up," he mumbled, dragging his hand down his face and letting out a puff of air.

"Come, my mother and.. him, are out already, we have to skin our own fruit today," she said happily, pulling back the opening of her room and began to slice her own food.

She still didn't speak to her father, she was trying to build up the courage to bring it up but every time she had the confidence to walk up to him she coward away, her intentions of speaking to him disappearing immediately.

Miles emerged from behind the opening to see Lei'wa sat on the floor, something about her seemed different. That's when he realized, her hair was up, tied with an elastic she must have gotten at the lab.

"I like your hair," he said, his eyes only looking at her hair, never making eye contact with her. When he looked down he saw her gaze soften, "thank you," she smiled, pulling a loose hair behind her ear which twitched at the touch.

"Here," her voice was softer than usual, normally it was loud, you could feel her presence the moment she walked into a room, but today it was small, shy.

"Irayo," he grinned, bringing back the memory of his na'vi lessons in the forest.

She looked taken aback before responding, "Kea Tìkin," she smiled, her eyes piercing into his own.

The pair finished their meal in silence, Miles mentally preparing himself for his bow training. Lei'wa on the other hand was trying not to stare at Miles, for the past few weeks she felt a warm feeling beginning to blossom in her stomach whenever she would look at him.

He was fit, she definitely liked that, the way his arms flexed when he'd hold something or prepare to shoot with a bow. She was going feral for this man. He was sweet sometimes but she liked when he was focused, tense. She thought that was his most attractive quality.

"Are you done?" she asked, looking at him with a smile, "yea" he groaned, knowing what was about to come next.

"Bow training time!" She said excitedly, getting up from the table and grabbing her own bow and the practice bow.

"Let's go," she grinned, patting his arm and exiting through the opening of the tent.

He looked after her, he thought she was the most beautiful woman ever when he first met her. And now he knew why.

He trailed after her, he made some friends with the village people recently, trying to keep the peace. He raised his hand out of respect to greet those he knew.

They took her Ikran and made it to the safer part of the forest where they practiced their hunting.

"Lets start with a warm up," she said, handing him a bow and two arrows, "shoot that," pointing to different objects she wanted him to aim at.

"I think you're ready for your test." she said, looking up at him, "you definitely are," she whispered, her eyes searching his.

"Lead the way princess," he smirked, allowing her to lead him through the forest. He admired the beauty, even though he's been on Pandora for the last 6 months, it was most beautiful when he was with Lei'wa.

She crouched behind a bush, trying to keep her movements soft to not scare the animal, "remember what I told you," she whispered, moving back so he could take her place behind the bush.

There grazing on the grass was a hexapede, also known as a Yerik to the Na'vi.

Miles positioned the arrow in the bow, drawing it back. He aimed at the unarmored part of the animal, its ears pricked up at the sound of movement, making eye contact with Miles, its eyes widened. He released the arrow which made a thumping sound in the animal, which was followed by a cry.

He immediately stood up from behind the bush and made his way to the animal, grabbing his dagger from the satchel that Lei'wa had made him.

He stuck the dagger into the animals heart, twisting it as he began to mutter a prayer to Eywa, thanking her for the animals time on Pandora. Lei'wa came out from behind him, crouching next to him. Her hand on his shoulder made him turn to face her.

"A clean kill," she spoke up, looking at his face, searching his features, "You are ready." Her eyes gleaming with pride.


The relationship is building!! As I mentioned in the information chapter, this story will follow a similar love story to Neytiri and Jake but obviously it will have its twist!!

I'm not sure if I want to make Miles Toruk Makto because I feel thats too close to the original storyline but possibly something like that? Maybe Palulukan Makto? Im not sure! But I don't want to spoil it for your guys 💗



𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 - 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now