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Miles woke up, with such little sleep from his constant worrying. Over time him and Lei'wa learned not to wake up cuddling each other, but he kind of missed it. He looked over to Lei'wa's side which was empty, a feeling of disappointment overcoming him.

He sat up, getting ready to exit their room, today was the day he was going to become one of the people. He checked outside of the room, there was no one.

He made his way to his military clothes, pulling out the intercom, getting ready to turn it on, but he refrained, stuffing it back in between his pants and his shirt.

He walked back out to find Ma'eve sat at the table, "Good morning," he said, giving her a small smile.

"Hello Miles," her eyes looked up from the dagger on the table, "are you excited?" She smiled, continuing to carve the knife.

"Yea, I am" he took a seat on the opposite side, looking at the opening of the tent, "your ceremony starts soon, Lei'wa and Tarsem will help you get ready," she smiled, watching his face, "They're at the labs," she quickly said, reading his mind.

He thanked her briefly and made his way out towards the labs, knocking on the door.

"Miles!" Lei'wa called, giving him a smile, beckoning him towards them.

In the lab Max and Norm looked up to see a familiar face, "Hey," he smiled at them, a smile given to him in return. Even with their bad history, they knew he was a better person as an avatar.

Tarsem and Lei'wa seemed to be looking at something or rather someone, Miles peered over their shoulders to find Grace.

His eyes widened as he recounted the memories of her, "Grace.." he mumbled, looking at her avatar body.

"You knew her?" Lei'wa asked, looking up at him, "Yea, somewhat," he sighed, lets just say they werent on the best terms.

"She has a daughter you know," Lei'wa said, encircling the tube before looking up at Miles, "Really?" He asked, looking at the woman in the tube.

"Yea, Kiri, she was adopted by the Sully's" she said, tracing over the glass.

His eyes widened slightly, "Where are the Sully's?" He questioned, looking at her, "No idea," she sighed.

He remembered Kiri, a teenage girl and her siblings that him and his crew held captive until Jake came to save them. He also remembered getting lost with Lyle after a thanator chased them down.

He looked at Lei'wa, "I didn't know she had a daughter," he sighed.

"Yea, no one did," she shrugged, looking at Miles, "its okay, they're safe now, at least," she smiled, "I can't believe how far you've come Miles,"

He smiled, a small laugh escaping his lips, "I only got this far because of you Lei'wa," he said, giving her a different look than he normally would. It took every ounce of her being not to pounce on him right then and there.

"Come, we need to get you spiritually ready," she changed the conversation, moving towards the lab exit.

"Tarsem! We're leaving," she yelled, waving goodbye to Norm and Max.

"I didn't even realize Tarsem left the conversation," Miles laughed, looking at Lei'wa, "He tends to be quiet," she responded, leading him to the Tsahik's tent.

"Mo'at," she called, peering into the tent, "Yes Lei'wa," a voice said, granting them permission to enter.

"I think it is time for Miles to be spiritually prepared," Lei'wa nodded towards him before looking back at Mo'at.

"Come here," Mo'at beckoned Miles towards her. He sat down in front of her and was pushed onto his back, a surprised gasp escaped his mouth as he laid confused on the ground. His eyes drifted to Lei'wa with a confused look. She shrugged and continued to watch the ritual take place.

Mo'at came to his side, placing her hand on his chest and another on his forehead, drawing symmetrical circles with her fingers. She then cupped her hand over each imaginary circle and bent down to blow before releasing it.

She muttered a prayer to Eywa, holding Miles' stomach she blew air out, raising her hands to the sky before bringing them down towards her.

She said a few last words to Eywa before standing up, "You are ready," her eyes shut, turning around to hand Lei'wa the paint.

"Come," she smiled, helping him up, "Thank you Mo'at," she said, "I see you," she bent down, bringing her hand from her forehead, Miles copying the action.

They walked out of the tent, "It is time for your face paint," Lei'wa said, leading him to where the Ceremony would take place.

Leading him behind a curtain of vines, she sat him down, dipping two fingers into the paste delicately. She brought dragged her fingers down his face, making a symbolic design, moving down his body.

There were a few minutes to the ceremony, her fingers with the paint traced over his lips gently, stopping there for a moment, she looked into his eyes, bringing her fingers down.

"This is your second birth, every Na'vi is born twice, you are one of us now Miles," she smiled, standing up from the ground, "it is time,"

He walked out first, the crowd gathering around him, Lei'wa went to stand next to Tarsem and Mo'at, both wearing their cultural clothes as Tsahik and Olo'eyktan.

Tarsem began to speak in Na'vi, "You are now a son of the Omaticaya," he said, bringing his hands up and placing them on Miles' shoulders. Lei'wa smiled at him, proud of his accomplishment.

"You are part of the people," and with that, Mo'at followed, placing her hands on another part of his shoulder. Lei'wa brought her hands to his shoulder. Soon the rest of the village came together, connecting each other to Miles.

His eyes drifted to Lei'wa who gave him a comforting grin.

He was now an Omaticaya.


Hi everyone!! Another update today 💗💗 I'm not very proud of this chapter but its okay! Hope you enjoyed 💗


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