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Norm immediately left the lab, he needed to see this for himself. He made his way to Lei'wa's tent, poking his head through the opening to find it empty inside.

He pulled his head out and looked around before entering the tent, his eyes trained on Lei'wa's room. He had suspected this from the beginning, but said nothing, it was typical Quaritch.

He pulled back the flap of her room back, his eyes searching the room hurriedly, he pulled back the pillow to find nothing, checked under the bedding, nothing. He looked through the clothes, he felt as if he was invading their privacy looking through their stuff but he needed to know if it was true or not.

He sighed when he found nothing, he looked around the room, his eyes landing on a pair of military clothes folded neatly and stuffed in a corner.

The last place he hadn't checked. He moved towards it, pulling it towards him. He felt the cloth for any bumps, feeling a bump in the middle of the cloth. He stuffed his hand through the folded clothes and moved it around.

He found it. He pulled it out, placing the military clothes to the side. Who was trying to contact him? Who was he kidding, it was obviously someone from the RDA and he was going to find out.

He turned on the intercom, attaching it to his ear.

After hours of trying, Lyle didn't give up, he continued to frantically try get a signal to Miles, and thats when he heard the familiar sound of Miles speaking, "Hello?" Miles questioned, except it wasn't Miles himself. Norm had tried to deepen his voice to try become Miles.

"Miles, thank god," Lyle whispered, "Bossman, I've got to tell you something, General-" he breathed out, "Shes sending out troops tomorrow, 0400 Sharp. They're coming to the Hallelujah Mountains, thanks for that information by the way broski, real useful," he chuckled.

Norm's eyes continued to go wide with every passing word, "Get your ass out of there, we're coming to get ya," Lyle grinned to himself, "Bossman?" He questioned.

"Oh, uh, yah, but uh, why are they coming to the Hallelujah Mountains?" Norm questioned, trying to keep the deep voice going.

"You told us you're with the Omatiiiiciya, or whatever they're called" Lyle said, slowly questioning what was wrong with Miles.

"Are you okay bossman? Did you hit your head or something?" Lyle asked, concerned for his friend.

"Yea, yea I'm fine, I got to go," Norm said hurriedly turning off the intercom and taking a deep breath. Oh this is good. This is so good.

He ran out of the tent, leaving the intercom on the floor along with the now unfolded clothes.  Lei'wa was going to find out either way.

Lei'wa and Miles entered the tent, laughing together, she leaned up to give him a small kiss, his hands encircling her waist. The pair. Stood there for a while, completely entranced with each other before Lei'wa took his hand and lead him to her room.

She grinned into the kiss pulling away slightly and turning around. The unfolded clothes caught her eye as she bent down to examine the clothes, something caught her eye. Miles' eyes widened as he saw what was on the floor.

She picked up the intercom and toyed with it between her fingers, accidentally turning it on, "Miles? Finally you got signal again, General is preparing troops to leave tonight for the Hallelujah Mountains, they're going to blow the place up, it's gonna be awesome," Lyle boasted, he had to give Miles another message after the call had cut but once again, he was unreachable. Lyle's voice was loud in the mic, the both of them could hear the message from the intercom without attaching it to their ears.

"Miles? Mile-" Lei'wa turned off the intercom, her eyes looking up to face Miles, her eyes were livid.

"Lei'wa-" she hissed, pushing him away, running out of the tent.

"Mo'at!" She yelled, "Tarsem!" Her voice was cracking with every word, Miles had caught up to her, the village gathering around the pair, Miles trying to calm down Lei'wa.

"Don't touch me," she hissed, pushing him off her.

"Lei'wa, please," he said, trying to get closer.

"No- Get away from me" she yelled, pushing him away from her again.

Her parents reached the crowd, Mo'at and Tarsem quickly following to find her pushing the man in front of her away.

"I trusted you- the clan trusted you-" she hissed, slapping his chest as she pushed him away from her.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mo'at spoke up, her eyes darting between Miles and Lei'wa.

Lei'wa's Face was scrunched up in disgust, blinking away her tears, "This man," she spat in disgust, turning away from Miles, "he has been in contact with the sky people," she yelled, a slight crack in her voice, raising the intercom above her head. A gasp erupted from the crowd, their eyes holding betrayal within them.

"Miles," Tarsem said, looking up at the man he considered his friend, his brother, "is this true?" He asked, walking towards him, hoping it wasn't true.

"I-" Miles sighed in defeat, turning to the people of the village, the people who considered him one of them, their brother.

"It's true, I was sent out into the forest, to find Jake Sully and kill him, but-" he looked at Lei'wa, who couldn't face him.

"But I fell in love with the forest, with the Na'vi, with Pandora," he moved towards her, "with you," he said, trying to hold her but he was pushed away, "We trusted you, I trusted you," she sobbed, slapping his chest in defense. People got into battle stances, prepared to pounce on him.

"Trust me now, please Lei'wa," he begged, still trying to hold her.

"No!" She yelled, for the first time making eye contact with him. "I hate you Miles Quaritch." She seethed, moving towards Tarsem who looked at the man he once considered his brother, "tie him up," Tarsem said, refusing to meet Miles' eyes, holding Lei'wa close to him.

Mo'at stayed quiet, she had seen this happen before, after all, history always repeats itself.


Welcome to the 16th chapter! I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter! There were a few more chapters yet to come before we reach the end of this book! I will make short one shots of Miles and Lei'wa's life after the events in this book!

The first chapter + information chapter of my new Aonung fanfiction which has been remade is now published!!

Happy Reading 💗


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