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When the group returned, each on their own Ikran, the village came to congratulate them. They were excited with their families, telling them how they did it.

Lei'wa stood with Miles, her stare going cold as she saw her mother and father approaching, "Lei'wa," her mother said, trying to hold her daughters hand.

"Just don't, I told you, I want to find my own mate," she explained, trying not to cry.

"Yes, we know but-" her mother was quickly cut off, "we know? This man hasn't even been in my life for the last 6 years and all of a sudden he can choose my mate? All of a sudden he knows?" She hissed, looking at her father who's eyes were soft and slightly teary eyed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Mo'at said, looking between the family, her gaze landing on Miles.

"Follow me," she beckoned, Miles looked back at Lei'wa who nodded and he scurried off after Mo'at, Tarsem joining the pair.

"Lei'wa, please, lets talk about this," her mother tried to reason, "no. Theres nothing to talk about." Lei'wa said, defiance lacing her voice.

"There is," Ma'eve said, her tone suddenly stern as she looked into Lei'wa's eyes with authority.

"Into our tent. Now." Her mother hissed, Lei'wa unwillingly followed.

"Lei'wa, you are nearly 21 and have no prospective mate, I like Miles but we both know he's not your first choice," Ma'eve said, sitting with her own mate in front of Lei'wa.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you went behind my back!" Lei'wa cried out, looking at her parents with tears in her eyes, "and he, he hasn't even been here for 6 years and still thinks he has authority in my life," her eyes looked in between her parents before they landed on her father.

"Do you know how much I needed you? I needed my father and he was never there," her tears were flowing down her cheeks, her finger pointed accusingly at her father. His eyes softening, "I'm so sorry my baby," her father said, reaching out to her.

"It's too late for sorry," Lei'wa looked to the ground, "I don't want to mate with Lucca," she looked at her mother with a pleading look, "Please mama, I'll find someone myself, I promise," she said, trying not to cry.

"I- fine, I'm so sorry my child," Ma'eve said, pulling her child towards her, caressing her hair.

Lei'wa's father just stared at the interaction, "Uh, Ma'eve? Can I speak to her?" He asked, looking between the two.

Lei'wa nodded, pushing herself away from her mothers embrace. "I'll go speak to Lucca's family," she excused herself, leaving Lei'wa and her father alone.

"Talk." Lei'wa said dryly, wiping her eyes.

"Lei'wa, I- I know I'm too late, you're 20 now, you're no longer a little girl. I just wanted to apologize, for everything. When the mission went wrong, I got lost, I was living on the edge of the forest. With the frequent attacks it was hard to even move through the forest, but soon they died down and, I took my chance," he said, looking at his daughter, "I'm so sorry my little viper wolf,"

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 - 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now