Chapter 8- Red, Blue, or White Lies?

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This is dedicated to Somuchloveinherheart because she always leaves enthusiastic comments that make me laugh or smile(: So thank you :)


Chapter 8

Red, Blue, or White Lies?



"Tell me." I growled at my parents. They looked worriedly at each other and my dad nodded his head and sighed. I was breathing heavily from how much anger I had. When I got home after my little revelation in the car, I cornered my parents and asked them everything, why no one celebrated my birthday or more importantly, why haven't I realized Carrie is my mate? They kept saying they 'shouldn't' or they 'couldn't' tell me but after a few threats of running away or renouncing my Alpha position, they finally gave in. My parents left the room so they could 'discuss' this with each other. After about five minutes, they came into the room, grimacing. My dad cleared his throat and began...

"Well son, as you already know, you haven't discovered the identity of your mate--" I shook my head, "Carrie is my mate. I know it." My dad pursed his lips but continued. "Also you know that no one celebrated your birthday like normally...Well that's because it's not your actual birthday." I was about to interrupt but my dad held his hand up and I shut up.

"Yes, I know you probably don't believe that but it's the truth." I looked at my mom who was looking at me with wide fragile eyes and nodded. I sat there shocked at what they just told me..It's not my actual birthday?

"But how? Why? Why has people celebrated it before on that day and not my actual? Also, did everyone know but me?" My dad looked down at his hand and cleared his throat again.

"I'm sorry son..We hid it from you for important reasons that we cannot reveal to you just yet..but yes, everyone knew. They had to. We decided for you to find it out about the whole birthday thing before your actual birthday because you are turning 17 and big things are going to happen." My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I took in this new information. But something occurred to me.

"Is the Lander's birthdays the same? Is that my actual birthday?" I asked, still confused but slowing piecing it all together..

My dad nodded while I sat their shocked. That's in two days! Woah...but after the shock wore down, I realized there was anger. It feels like my life was a lie, when I was turning seven, I wasn't actually seven until a few days after! How could they do this!

"Are you sure that's my real birthday?" I asked venomously. My dad's eyes turned to anger from my words. "Don't you dare say that Lucason Miller. There is a reason you were kept in the dark about this. One reason being your real mate has the same birthday. Another is that we love you." I cringed from my real name. I hated that name. It sounds so formal and snobbish.

"Fine. Whatever."

 I stood up from my place on the couch, took one last glance at my parents sullen faces and stomped up to my room, to get for the party that was going to get me drunk and forgetful of what happened today. But something in the back of my mind was bugging me about what my dad said, 'One reason being your real mate has the same birthday..'  What does that mean? How does he know who my mate is going to be? Plus, Carrie's birthday isn't in two days, hers is in a month...



"Damn Tee, you look hot!" River said, whistling. I blushed and rolled my eyes at him and his childish antics. Though, I couldn't help but think that he looked equally hot. His hair dark hair was nicely combed, he had a plaid shirt with a tight shirt that accented his toned chest, and black skinny jeans that he totally rocked with red vans.

"Stop drooling, I know I'm hot." He said as he winked. I scoffed and turned around turned to my brothers to hide a blush that was slowly creeping onto my cheeks.

"Hey sis, do we look acceptable?" Nate asked me.

 I took a peek at my brothers to make sure they were looking decent. Both of them had their hair combed, collared shirts with undershirts and some skinny jeans like River. I nodded my head in agreement and they grinned at each other but then noticed what I was wearing and grimaced at each other. I narrowed my eyes at them and they quickly turned away. Ha-ha! I thought to myself.

I felt a pair of strong arms hoist me up and over someones shoulder and I instantly knew who it was. "Rivvverr! Let me go!" I squealed. All he did was chuckle a sexy chuckle..Wait..Sexy? No way, just a momentary lapse.

"Nope, sorry babe. But you were staring into space and I want to get to the party before I'm old and ugly."

"You didn't have to wait to the ugly part, River." I teased him. I looked hurt but then it went away. Uh-oh, what did I do? I was going to say sorry to him, but his phone rang. 



"Oh! Hey mom!"


"Yup! I'm going the party with the Landers."


"Yaaa. I knoww, mom!"


"Ok. Love you too..Bye."

I grinned at River. "Mama's boy!" I yelled at him, running from him.

"Come back here!" He said teasingly.


Copyright 2011© Lovesoreel

Hey guys! two updates in two days...Wow thats new! LOL. So I noticed this story hasn't been getting past the 300's on the "What's Hot" list and I reeallllyyyy want it I'll make you guys a deal. If I get to less that 100 (Like 90's or 80's) on the "What's Hot" list

10 Votes for the next chapter?



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