Chapter 13- Looking Back...

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Chapter 13

Looking Back...



He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and chuckled. "Umm..Hi..?" I was gaping at him, shocked. "What the fudge!?" I screamed at him. Luke rolled his eyes at my shock and I glared at him.

"You are the mystery kisser? But the fireworks and the tingles...." And then it dawned on me what today was. "Holy fuck...You're my m-mate?" M eyes widened and my heart sunk as he nodded yes.

"How did you find out? I mean..I knew about the birthday thing...but not about the mate stuff.." I trailed off, looking at his expression. He was wearing his famous smirk. I scowled at him and his smirk grew even bigger.

"Well the mate thing was hard but the birthday stuff was easy since my parents told me." He said sitting down against the wall. I followed suit and sighed. "So tell me how you figured out the mate thing."

This time it was his turn to sigh. "I don't know. I guess it was when River...hit the party. Something inside me snapped and it just happened. Then when you went upstairs, something told me to follow you and I did. know..." He blushed and looked away. Awh. That's so cute. He blushes. Wait! What? Ugh stupid mate adoration crap...

"So basically I'm your mate?" He nodded and I blinked. How did this happen? We weren't supposed to be more than enemies! Now we are mates? Why me? Now my mate is an Alpha and he has a girlfriend he is in love with..

Oh shit! Carrie! "What about Carrie? How is she going to feel?" He looked at me questioningly. "What about her?" I  rolled my eyes at his stupidity and slapped him over the head. "Your a dumbass. Your girlfriend, Carrie." He still looked confused. I sighed, heavily annoyed at Luke.

"Dude, isn't she going to be mad that you are leaving her for 'the whore' Aka your mate" I said doing air quotes over 'The whore' part. His mouth formed an 'O'.

"Well about that..." He trailed off and shot me a guilty look. I raised my eyebrow at him. "What?" He looked down at the ground. "What?!" I screamed at him, irritated. Luke finally looked up at me and stared me straight in the eye.

"I'm not gonna leave her." He told me. For some reason, my heart hurt like a bitch. That must be because my mate just rejected me but who knows. I nodded my head in understanding. I have never experienced love before but I know that Luke loves that lying, cheating, no-good slutty bitch. But I still don't know what he sees in her but if he is willing to deny me, his mate, then he must really love her. And being the bitch she is, she must really 'love' him enough to put up with his 'non-sex' ways then she must be getting something out of it later. Something like Alpha Female..

But that could be the jealousy talking...



 She looked deep in thought when I told her I wasn't going to leave Carrie. It hurt deep in my chest when I told her but I had to do it. I loved Carrie--Wait! No I love Carrie. Not loved. Love. I shook my head of anything having to do with a mate. All they do is mess up your life. And that is exactly what is happening to me. Carrie was supposed to be my mate. Not a who--Teagan. No, she is a whor--Teagan.

What the hell? I can't even call her a whore in my mind! This is so messed up. But I can't help but admire her chocolatey brown eyes, her silky dark hair, and her cute button nose....No. I'm not gonna do this to myself. I could feel her body heat radiating from her and it was making me feel all mushy inside.

Ok now I really need to go.

"I have to go." I told her, suddenly getting up from my place, startling her in mid thought. She looked dazed but nodded in 'ok'. I looked down at her and said, "Bye..Teagan...Umm we can figure this out later..?" She nodded her head and opened her mouth to say something but thought better of it and closed it. Then looked down and studied her hands. I sighed and started down the hall.

As I was walking down the hallway, I did something I will later regret. But I couldn't help it...So I did it anyway..

I looked back.


Copyright 2011©Lovesoreel

Sorry for the VERY long wait. But I have a sucky case of writers block and plus school is almost to its end and I have many reports and presentations. So that means, more studying, less writing :( Sorry! Please don't kill me for any late updates or something. During summer which is in freaking two weeks(!), then I will upload regularly. :)




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