Chapter 9- Ballad of a Late-Night Brawl and Oodles of Kisses!

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Chapter 9

Ballad of a Late-Night Brawl and Oodles of Kisses!



I was already half-way to drunk and quarter of the way to totally wasted by 10:00pm. And I got here at 9:45. I wasn't dancing or grinding with people, but Carrie was. Sounds like cheating? Nope. She would never do that to me and she loves me. Plus, I was to drunk to care. Who can blame me? I mean I find out that my birthday isn't my real birthday, my parents know my mate shares the same birthday as me, and my real birthday is in two days.

The more I thought about this, the more I got up for more drinks and got drunker and drunker. I was sitting on a couch in the corner of the room with my buds and their whores, watching my girlfriend grind with other guys. I was staring at Carrie, watching her sexy hips swaying to the song "Just Dance" by some Gaga chick, her blond hair moving with the movements with her head. She saw me staring and winked then continued grinding with some dude in a baseball cap so I couldn't see his face. Smart man.

I smiled at her and removed my eyes from Carrie's dancing figure and looked around the room. I saw Nate and Percy, which meant Teagan was here. I scowled just picturing her cute face with her adorable button nose--Wait! What the fuck? Cute? Adorable? Man, I must be totally wasted to be saying that crap..



I smiled seductively at a cute guy dancing with Luke's oh-so-loving, 'girlfriend'. He winked and licked his lips while looking at me. I winked back and then turned around to face the bartender to ask for another apple martini. He made the drink and slid it in front of me. I gave him an innocent smile and said, "Thanks mister. I'm going to get so wasted." I said in a clueless voice. He smirked and said, "On the house, baby cakes. Come back for more if you want," And winked at me. Party predator #4. Dammit. He was cute too. I bit my lip, tried to make myself blush, mumbled a 'thank you', & then walked away with a victorious smirk on my lips. Sucker.

I reached River and saw him talking to a Blond bimbo, who was practically trying to push her fake double D's in is face. What a whore. Ok that might sound hypocritical but there's a difference between me and that bitch. I don't bang anything with a dick. I have sex with guys I have dated for at least a week but since I get a new boyfriend every week, it seems like I'm a whore. And I don't push my boobs in a guys face. I felt something churning in the pit of my stomach but I ignored it and kept walking towards River and bimbo. "Hey Riv." I said as I approached them, totally ignoring blondie. He looked guilty but the quickly concealed it. Maybe I'm imagining it..While the blondie was glaring at me. I glared straight back and I am proud to say that she flinched and looked down. Bitch, please. You can't glare me down.

"Uhh..Hey Teagan." He said warily, what--wait. Did he just call me Teagan?! Ok, you are probably wondering why I'm freaking out that he called my name. Well first off, he never calls me Teagan. Not even when he is mad or if we are fighting. He always calls me Tee. No.Matter.Fucking.What.

"Teagan?" I said, trying to the anger and hurt out of my voice. All that was left was wonderment. The blond snorted, which sounded like a pig might I add. I looked to her and total anger. She cringed a tad but then smirked. Oh hell no. That bitch did not just smirk.

"Ya, like, that's, like, your name, like, right?" I pushed the itching feeling to punch the slut if she said 'like' one more fucking time. "No shit Sherlock." I said grinding my teeth from saying something I will regret. I may be buzzed but I'm just fine in a fight. She rolled her bloodshot eyes tells me she hasn't been just drinking...

Then it finally hits me. I look over at River, who has his head down. I sigh and bend down to pull his head up. When I do, I wish I hadn't. His eyes were also bloodshot and they showed shame. I let him go and start to walk away, leaving bimbo grinning like the Chesire cat. I felt Rivers hand grab my arm but I shake him off and turn around to face his hurt face. He promised. And he broke it and he is hurt? Jerk. "Don't you dare touch me again. Fucking druggie." I hissed at him. I saw his eyes calculating what I said and all I saw in his eyes were anger. Pure anger. I realized that the drugs were affecting his ability to keep his anger at bay and that meant that his inner wolf was reaching the surface.

"Druggie? You were once too!" He yelled so that everyone could here. I looked at him shocked that he could tell a secret of mine so easily. By now the music was off and everyone was staring at me with shock, disappointment, and disgust. I scoffed at him, hurt but pissed.

"Ya, so? At least I stopped but not you! You promised you would stop! We made a pact! You fucking pothead!" I screamed with so much pent up anger and hurt from the past couple days of re-evaluating my life and Carrie situations. Then I felt a hard smack, a sharp pain in the side of my face and I fell to the ground, holding my face. I heard people gasp and I looked up at my ex-bestfriend, his once beautiful grey eyes now red from his wolf side taking over. His eyes held pure fury.

He hit me. River hit me. My best friend hit me. I kept repeating it over and over in my head but even though I was on the ground, my head in pain, I still could not wrap my mind that he did it. That's when all hell broke loose but in what seemed like slow motion.

Lucas went up to River, punched his square in his stomach, sending him doubling over and collapsing right there making bimbo and some other girls, scream in horror. Then Luke's friends came up to restrain him from doing anymore damage. Bimbo went to River's side while Carrie went up to Luke and tried to calm him down. A couple people came to help me up but I was too frozen from what just happened that I was pretty hard to help. But when I snapped out of it, I shakily stood up, seeing black spots the whole time. I felt my face and felt a huge bump and internally groaned. Dammit, that's going to hurt like a bitch later. Not to mention the big bruise I'm going to get.

I looked to where Lucas stood, still glaring at River's slumped figure. He caught my eye and I mouthed a 'Thank you'. He was shocked but managed to nod. I decided to crash upstairs for the night and started walking up to the rooms. Everyone was still and just stared at me as I stalked up to the room.

When I finally got to an unoccupied room, I immediately shut the door, turned the lights off, went to the bed and fell down weeping over what happened. I continued crying for at least ten minutes when I heard a soft knock of the door. I didn't say anything. The door creaked open and I heard someone walk over to me on the bed. I wasn't afraid. Why? Because for some reason I felt safe and warm. How? I have no idea but I knew I could trust the person walking towards me. I couldn't see him, or at least I hope it's a guy(A/N: It's a guy. This isn't a girlxgirl thing.) I felt the mattress dip under his weight. I didn't say anything and neither did him. I felt his thumb softly removed the tear trails that crying left, but didn't stop there. His touch brought little tingles down my spine and wherever he touched me. Then I felt his thumb traced over my lips...

And next thing I know, his lips were on mine.


Copyright 2011©Lovesoreel

And the plot thickens. Hope you aren't too mad at River. (: So any guesses to mystery kisser? He-he(:So I hope you all like! And did you all like the new chapter I posted yesterday to Love On Impact? I hope you did! :D

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