Chapter 21- Behind Closed Doors

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Chapter 21

Behind Closed Doors



I pulled up to the school and all eyes were on me. I parked my car, looked in the mirror to check my makeup, and got out. I smirked at all the attention my new look was getting...or was that because I was gone for a week...?

Eh, who cares. I looked around and spotted just who I wanted. Luke. His eyes were wide and his mouth was gaping open. Oh how funny that sight was. He looked like one of those fishes that have the two huge, big eyeballs are each side of its face. get the picture. Carrie was glaring at me, River was rolling his eyes and my brothers were making a gagging noise. Well, everything is back to normal. I heard the school bell ring and everyone snapped out of their dazes and went along with their business, yet there was whispers.

"Why is she back?" One girl whispered.

"She looks smokin' hot!" A guy, of course, whispered to his buddies.

"Whore." This voice I recognized as, none other than Carrie.

I smirked at their responses. I entered the hallway and headed towards my locker. Everyone was quiet but there was more and more whispers. I heard my gladiator sandals clack against the tile flooring. The warning bell rang again and everyone went off into their classes. I went over to my locker and got my needed books, closed it, then I started walking to my first class.

Well I was, until someone, who I bet you could guess who, pulled me into the janitors closet.

"Where the hell have you been?" Lucas whisper-yelled at me. I snorted at him and started to walk out but Luke grabbed my arm and pulled me back, not hard but very gently, towards him. He smelled like peppermint and Axe, which sounds gross but was totally intoxicating.

"Where. Have. You. Been?" He growled at me. Once again I scoffed at him. "Oh so, now, you care." I rolled my eyes. "Just go back to your, oh-so-loving girlfriend." I told him, my voice thick with sarcasm. He groaned like a child. He let go on my arm and started to pace the small room. All I did was stand there, with my arms crossed, glaring at his childish ways.

Suddenly he stopped and just stared at me. He was just staring. "What?" I asked him, annoyed. But he ignored me and just kept staring. Ok, now he is just pissing me off. Once again I started opening the door but Lucas snapped out of his daze and jerked it back shut.

"No." Luke said simply. I sighed at him, annoyed. "Why not?" I asked him, trying to not strangle the dumb lad.

"'Cause. We need to talk" He told me, still calm. I gaped at him.

"Us?!" I almost yelled at him. Is he really doing this? He can't be. "Yes, us. Who else?" He said, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Is he stupid or did he have temporary amnesia?

"Are really saying their is an 'us'? Because last time I checked, there wasn't and us since you decided to stay with you whore of a girlfriend." I screamed, ready to punch him..or really anyone else.

"I'm sorry, ok? I just-I don't know...I like you. Believe me. I do. But Carrie loves me. And I think I still love her a little bit. I can't just break it off, just for you. That's selfish of you to even think that. " He scoffed out the words. I couldn't believe he just called me selfish because I wanted to with my mate and trying to save him from his cheating girlfriend.

Then it hit me. I smirked at Luke.

"Ok. You are so right. I was-I am, being selfish. Thanks so much for pointing that out.. I will trying my hardest to make sure that I don't come between you and the love of your petty life. So..well...bye." And with that, I walked out the closet, but not before stopping and saying these last parting words,

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