Chapter 12- Unexpectant

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Chapter 12


(I must warn you. I suck at action scenes so cut me some slack! Thanks!)



As the bell rang for the ending of school, I got up from my desk like everyone else and started out of the classroom. As I was going to my locker, I wondered if Teagan would try and get revenge. I mean, I think she already did. The thing with Teagan is that she doesn't fight physically that much. She leaves it up to brain power. She thinks something over and decides to hurt physically or mentally. I'm glad she was the non-physical with me because she can damn well throw a punch, but mentally she got me good. I mean making new friends and trying to get me jealous and trying to tell me what I was missing, was pretty genius. But, the fact that I forgot it was her birthday sucked even more. What if I was her mate...I sighed about that thought.

I thought back to earlier  when she was smiling and laughing...but not with me. It was with a bunch a human kids that looked nothing alike. She was giggling to the girls and flirting with the boys. It made my fist clench, but I didn't know why. I liked her, sure but I was never a jealous type when she was banging boys in the closet. I almost gagged at the thought. But when she looked at me, her face turned emotionless. I mean I don't blame her, but I was high and drunk. And I didn't know what I did until later when I heard people talking about it of Facebook! Facebook, goddammit! I was so upset that I stayed in my room all rest of the weekend but soon the more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that it wasn't me talking. It was the booze and drugs. How could she be mad about something she knew could happen.

Then I saw her bruise and I instantly cringed. Oh good, god. Now I feel even worse of a dick..

I was walking down the now empty hallways, I heard footsteps come up behind me. I turned to find Teagan coming up to me with a smile now plastered on her face. Yes! Thank god.

"Tee! I'm so gla--" But I never finished my sentence, due to me being on the ground, holding my now throbbing eye. Yep..that's gonna be a black eye to add to my bruised stomach. "Tee, what the hell!?"

I looked up at her smirking figure. She isn't even sorry? What the fuc--

"You bastard, can go to hell." She sneered and started walking off. But I quickly got up, ignoring the pain in my eye. I grabbed her arm but not before I was flipped on my back. Great! Another injury. 

"Don't ever freaking touch me again, Riverdale!" She hissed at me. And I growled back. She used my whole name. Nobody, not even Teagan, uses my whole name. I got up once again and started towards her figure, which was retreating from my probably pissed off self. I kept walking towards her and she kept walking backwards, away from me. I could feel my eyes flickering from my usual eye color to my wolf color, which was a yellow color. Her eyes held so much fury, yet fear of me. I could also still see the mark from where I hit her and that snapped me out of my anger. Her eyes were wide and scared but her fists were still clenched, ready to fight if necessary. I realized that I could have changed into my wolf right in front of her and hurt her. I took a step back from her and walked away.

As I was down the hall, I saw something..or someone hiding in one the the corners of the hall, watching Teagan. I saw that it was a guy by the stance and height. But right when I saw him, he saw me and ran for it. Teagan saw him too and snapped out of her daze. Her eyes went even wider, but made no move to run after him. She seemed...I don't know..Maybe..mesmerised..?

She got up and walked over to where he was. I assumed that she was going to tell him off but did something I wasn't expecting.

But I didn't stop to watch...

I walked out.



It's him. The fireworks. The tingles.

But who is he? I broke the kiss and saw him.

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Hey Tee-Tee." He said. My breath hitched and my eyes widened.



Copyright 2011©Lovesoreel

Ahhh! Ha-ha! Sorry for the shortness! :( I'm having writers block! It sucks! I really want to write more but this seemed like a good place to stop. For now! Since it's a short chapter...Love you fanners/Voters/Commenters! :)

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