Chapter 24- The Tutor

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Chapter 24

The Tutor



 One month since I found my mate. And one month since he broke my heart. One month since I ran away from it all. One month is a short time, yet so many things could happen. After found out Alex and Carrie were mates, I decided to just wait it out. They are going to get caught someday by Lucas and hell is going to pay. Alex, despite my multiple warnings, is still doing the deed with her every week. I shiver just thinking about it.

 I haven't talked to Lucas or Dave in forever, but last I heard of Dave was that he moved to L.A. to become a musician or something like that. I told my mom the truth- that Dave wasn't my mate, and I did it so she wouldn't think bad of me because I can't find my mate. She coo-ed at me and told me how much I impress her already just being me. Yeah, I guess I feel bad about making my mom feel bad but I noticed she has been very secretive lately and she hasn't told me or my brothers, so that lessens the guilt. But the Lucas thing is very different situation. I guess you can guess why we aren't talking.  I'll give you a hint; My pride and his asshole-ness.

And the whole Nate has a human mate thing is still a confusing bit for me. Luckily that hasn't stopped him from flirting with Emma or showering her with little trinkets. Emma likes him, which she told me, and that she is waiting for him to make his move. Sadly though, he isn't planning on making a move. He is still 'dating' whore, trying to make sure Emma doesn't find out.

But I guess I'm not any better. I have turned back into my whore self. I have already bedded ten guys and it's only been a month. That may not seem like a lot but I still have to go on dates with them, then break their hearts, so it's a time consuming thing. Everyone is back to calling me dirty names and such, not that I mind. It's very rewarding in many ways. Sure, it felt wrong that I was cheating on my mate, but I am doing what my aunt suggested.

One is that I feel much better. I don't have to show my feelings, so that helps. Another thing is, sometimes I see Lucas glancing at me and my boy of the week, with anger and jealousy in his eyes. But when he sees me watching him, his face turns into an emotionless mask and he turns away. Everyone is still not over his scene that happened a month ago and people still believe he is seeing someone else. Thankfully, not me.

I have still been planning my revenge on Carrie, with help of River and Quincy. Who by the way, have been getting really close, even though she isn't his mate. River is a little older than me, his birthday is in April, so he turned 17 before me, yet he hasn't found his mate. It sounds sad but River has gotten over it, but sometimes I can see him looking at couples with sadness and envy in his eyes. Anyways, back to Carrie. She has been giving me more harsh looks then before. It's funny.

Also on my mind is the Masquerade ball that is creeping up on me. One more month for things to happen and that scares me. A bunch of guys have asked me, but I always reject them because a part of me, my wolf part, is waiting for Luke, my mate, to me. But I know that is never going to happen...

"Miss Teagan? Miss...? Teagan!" My math teacher Mrs. Shrowder, called to me, making me snap out of my thoughts. Lucas rolled his eyes at me. I glared at him.

"Erm..Yes?" I asked her, scared that she was going to give me detention. She narrowed her eyes at me. Mrs. Shrowder was a werewolf too. A bitter one at that.

"Good of you to join us. Now what is the capital of Italy?" Ha! That is easy. 

"Rome." I answered her, proudly. She smiled at me, but the class laughed at me, making my face heat up. "Good of you to know, but that is not what we were discussing. See me after class." I hung my head in embarrassment. The whole class snickered at me. Luke looked at me with pity. Jerk.

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