Chapter 33- Evil Takes Many Forms

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Chapter 33

Evil Takes Many Forms



One day. Less than 24 hours until it all goes down. Tomorrow, I would get Teagan back and prove how much of an idiot I am not to notice that I loved her. So basically, I'm going stag. I have had over a million girls ask me to the dance via Facebook, E-mail, text, and in person. I said no to everyone.

I got my suit and was ready to go. My mind wandered to Teagan and I started to wonder what she was going to wear. I heard that when she was shopping at the mall with her friends, Carrie tried to confront her but Teagan and her friends burned Carrie in front of everyone and ended up with icee all over her. I thought it was really funny. Other people, though, thought it was really rude and immature, but I knew Teagan could care less. 

She is still going with Ty to the ball. Not that I expected her to drop him when we have one bonding moment. I was hoping she would but I knew she wouldn't. I think she still thinks that I'm just using her or something. I didn't really know, but I hope to prove it to her tomorrow night.

Which led to to think...

What was Teagan doing right now..?



I twirled around in the mirror, giggling at myself in the mirror. I'm such a girlie-girl. 

"Work it!" Lucy giggled with me, along with the other girls. Lucy, Emma, Darla, and Quincy came over to my house to hang out. Right now we were in our dresses dancing around in the mirror with our masks on listening to music from Pandora, actually we were listening to 'Backseat' by New Boyz. Darla was goofing off and started to dancing. I had to say, she was friggin' amazing at it.

Not to sound wierd but she had great moves, but they were mostly by her hips. Sound strange, doesn't it? Yeah, but it was true. If you have ever seen the Nicki Minaj video for 'Super Bass' and seen that in the video, the dancers were moving their hips and whatnot, well..Darla can do that. It was pretty cool.

I got up and started to dance with her and found that I could do it too. I had never been interested in dancingbecause..well, I was sort of busy, but I like to do it, now and again.

All of a sudden, the song 'Best Love Song' by T-Pain came on and I started to sway my hips and sing along to it. I don't know where it came from but soon, I was full on dancing. Darla joining me while the other girl were laughing at us and singing too.

I don't know why, but I love this song. It has a hidden meaning to me that I have yet to discover. It was my song, I guess. I think I wish that Luke would feel that way about me..but who knows..

"That was amazing, Tee!" Darla squealed and hugged me. The other girls were a chorus of agreements and I blushed. "I just danced." 

They started to laugh, so I decided to let them think what they want. 


Two hours later and we were tired from dancing and giggling. Right now, we were all laying on my queen size bed, reading teen magazines and gossiping about people.

It felt good to have real friends again. I think I forgot what it was like. The laughs, the talks, the plain 'ole good time. It felt nice and peaceful but I knew my life was only far from peaceful.

Tomorrow night was going to be the finale. I decided that this has to end between Carrie and I. And the best way is to bring it all out. It sounds more like revenge but I got my full revenge on her. If I did anymore, I would be just like her and I was not going to go there.

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