Chapter 16- Another Passenger?

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Chapter 15

Another Passenger?



"She took the bait." Dave whispered in my ear as he bounded back from where Carrie pulled him away. I smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist, making Carrie glare daggers at me as she walked back over to Luke. Serves her right, bitch.

"Good." I said to Dave while I was still watching Carrie and Luke flirt with each other even though they are together. But every once in a while Carrie would glance over to see if I or Dave were watching and when she didn't see us watching them, her eyes would show a hint of disappointment then go back to normal.

Though the really creepy thing out of everything, was that my mother and Luke's mom, who showed up out of no where to me, kept watching Dave and I with criticizing eyes, so we had to step up the 'lovey-dovey' crap. As we were waiting for the Luke's dad to show up, me and Dave would cuddle, giggle and kiss each others cheeks every once in a while. But each time we did, I felt a growing pain in my chest. And now every time Dave touched me like on my arm, my skin would feel like it just got burnt and let me tell you, it hurt like hell. Also, I would feel someones glare on the back of my head every time Dave did something even remotely touching me. I wasn't sure if it was Carrie because of her jealousy or Luke because I was being too loud giggling or something..Or even my mom, who didn't believe PDA, even with mates. I was too confused.

Finally after a long 20 minutes, Luke's dad, my brothers, and Luke's brother, Alex, showed up with the food and drinks filled in coolers and bags. "So who is ready for camping?" Mr. Walters asked everyone. I heard a grumble of 'Ya...'s or 'Whatever' which was said by none other than Carrie. Luke's mom, Mrs. Walters, frowned at her son's girlfriend. Hm. I guess she doesn't like Carrie either..Smart lady...

"So who is going in which cars?" I asked Mr. Walters. He thought it over for a couple seconds. "Well there are 10 of us and three cars. So I'll be going with your mother and my wife in Chevy Suburban. And since this is your birthday trip--"

"Hey! It's our birthday too, Mr. Walters!" Percy yelled at him in a joking manner. Mr. Walters just rolled his eyes at him. "I know, you each are going to get surprise trips, but this is Tee's" My mom pulled me closer to her and one-arm hugged me. "Whatever." I scoffed at her. My brothers nodded in understanding to mom then smirked at me and I stuck my tongue out at them.

"As I was saying, your brothers will be going in the Ford truck with Alex and Carrie--"

"What?!" Carrie screeched at Mr. Walters. "But I want to go with Lukey!" She whined. Everyone rolled their eyes, even Luke, at Carrie.

"Too bad Carrian. You are going with Percy, Alex, and Nate." Mr. Walters told her, using his Alpha voice which made her cringe and flinch at her full name. Ha-ha. Bitch. "Fine.." She grumbled. So she wasn't going with me or Luke, well that's go--

"Wait!" Everyone turned their attention to me. "I'm going in my own car, right?" I asked hopefully. The parents looked baffled. "No. Why? You are going with Luke." I looked over to where Luke stood, shocked and nervous, but when he caught my eye, he didn't let go, so we just stood there for a couple seconds, just looking at each other. When I heard Dave clear his throat, I snapped out of my daze and then I realized something.

"Where is Dave going to be? He can go with us." I pleaded, trying to sound casual but was totally failing. "Umm.Maybe--" But that's when the bitche's voice spoke up, I knew I wasn't going to like why she interrupted.

"What if the adults switch cars with the boys and I? Then we have extra room and the adults still fit.." She smirked at me as she was saying this. And I glared back but she just kept on smirking.

"Is that ok with you sweetie?" My mom asked me. I sighed, I am so not going to let Carrie get to me. Never! So all I did was nod. "Sure. Why not?" I smiled sweetly at Carrie who looked a little ticked off that I wasn't mad or anything.

"Goody! So then Luke and Teagan will be going in one car and the rest in the other cars.Now lets get things loaded up." My mother said to everyone, grabbing her bags and passing them to my brother, Nate, who rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath, "Ya, by everyone she means the men." My mother playfully slapped his arm playfully

After about 15 minutes of packing things into cars, we were done. But soon another car pulled up and out came the person I least expected. The parents walked inside the house to make sure everything was loaded and they didn't notice

"Hey people! What up?"

My brothers, Luke, and I looked at each other and screamed at the same time,


"Uhh..Ya?" He said unsure..My eyes widened at how my brothers looked over to Alex like they were going to kill him. "What the hell, Alex?!" Percy screamed at Alex, who looked calm and pretty humored about his reaction.

Alex rolled his eyes at Percy and dragged him away away from everyone. I saw them whisper-arguing and that went on for about a minute until I saw Percy sigh and nod his head. Even with my superhuman hearing, I still couldn't hear them. Ugh.

They came back over and greeted River, only Percy kept his distance. Then everything went back to normal, except that I still kept my distance and so did Luke. Carrie was too busy to notice anything that just happened because she was trying to flirt with Dave and he was trying hard not to give in but thankfully the parents came out but they weren't shocked to see River. And they weren't mad but I know why. Well we never told them what went down the night of the party. When they asked about the bruise I said I got a bit tipsy and hit my head. They were mad I was drinking but said that I learned my lesson. Everybody but my mom knows about that night but no one will tell since Luke said not to.

"Hello River, dear! Haven't seen you in awhile.." All the teenagers glanced at eachother, daring someone to say something but nope."But no matter! Did someone invite you?" My mom asked. River nodded and pointed to Alex. "Ya, Alex invited me. He said Teagan forgot." River looked me straight in the eye and I saw the bruise on his face..Oops...

"Oh that's ok! You can ride with Teagan and Lucas, right?" She challenged us, looking at us, daring us to say no.

"Yes, that's ok!" I said with fake happiness. "Well good. Now let's go! Time to hit the road! Woo!" The mothers screamed in joy. All the kids and even Mr. Walters, rolled their eyes at them, but got into the cars and started them up.

"Stay on the road and follow us kids!" Mr. Walters told us. We all agreed and soon the trip was underway. Luke of course was driving and River was in the passenger seat, while I was stuck in the back, reading my book. After about five minutes of silence, River turned on the radio to Aerosmith and started rocking out. After about two minutes of non-stop rock, Luke groaned in frustration and switched the channel to some Usher which I loved much better but River didn't because he switched the channel right back to Aerosmith. It went like that for 10 minutes until I couldn't take it any longer, "Enough!" I shouted at them. They both stopped and I leaned up, close enough to read the radio dial and switched it to a Ke$ha song. This time, they both groaned but I gave them a warning glare and they shut up, quickly.

"That's what I thought." And I leaned back and opened my book and continued reading my book.


Copyright 2011©Lovesoreel

Hehe another damn filler! :( But just waiitttt...we still have the whole drive ahead of us. :) Don't forget to check out my new book called, "The Alpha's Love Song" Vote/comment/fan! :D Thanks!!

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