Chapter 27- Carrie's Grand Finale, Well, Sort of...

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Chapter 27

Carrie's Grand Finale, Well, Sort of...



"Are you sure about this Tee?" River asked me, still unsure about my plan. I rolled my eyes at him. "Dude, come on! We have so done worse." I pointed out. He nodded, but I saw him hesitate. 

"True... " He sighed. I grinned at him and started climbing the tree. Wondering what we are doing? I suppose I should get you guys caught up if this is going to be fun and enjoyable. Well after my 'tutoring' session with Luke and the Alex thing yesterday, I had done some hard thinking about things..again. I decided that, if Lucas was too stupid to see the real Carrie, he wasn't ever going to leave her. I know it sounds evil and something a stalker would do, but it wasn't fair that she had a mate and is trying to keep mine for her own selfish ways. So I devised a plan to ruin Alex and Carrie, together. 

"This is wrong on so many levels." River muttered.  

"Agreed." I said nodding. River sighed. We continued climbing the big Oak tree until we were able to see through the his bedroom window. We found a semi-comfortable spot and waited. I had everything set up.

"What do we do now?" River asked me, taking out some licorice. He offered some to me and I took a piece. 

"Well, I gave him back his phone and said that I was sorry yesterday and tried to make it convincing. He believed me, of course. Right after I left, I heard him tell Carrie to meet him in his room know..and she agreed. So now we just wait until they come. But we will leave when they are getting too sexed up. Ok?" I explained to him. River thought about it for a second then grinned. 

"Got it." I smiled at him and continued eating my licorice. While we waited, I started to set up my camera. Even saying this makes it sound so wrong and weird and peeping tom-ish.


I was almost asleep when I heard a door open and a bunch of laughing. That woke me up instantly and I woke up River by slapping him. It was dark but I could see his face still clearly.

"Uh! W-What?" He said, startled. I clamped my hand over his mouth and signaled for him to shut up. He gave me a confused look, so I pointed to Alex's window. He nodded in understanding. 

I turned back to the window to see them starting to get it on. 

Time to take some pictures.


The next morning was pretty hard since River and I stayed up to get down the tree quietly and get everything ready for the next morning. I feel some what ashamed of what I'm going to do but it's not like what I'm doing is embarrassing. All I'm going to do is put some pictures up around the school of them kissing on his bed. Fully clothed, of course.

River copied a school key so we could get in at 5am in the morning. So we got up early and went to school to put them up. Then we went back home and fell asleep. 

Boring, I know, but it must be done for the real revenge to happen. It's not my best, but there really is no way to make this entertaining too much. This is not justice, I'll admit. It's revenge and sometimes it's not going to be entertaining.


The morning of, I got ready in a hurry to see everyone's reactions. I said my goodbye to my mom and told the boys to hurry up because they are going to be late. Then I hopped on my motorbike and rode off. It was 7:46 when I got to school and everyone was talking about it. School starts at 8:00 so Luke, nor Carrie gets here before then. 

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