Chapter 35- That Ruby Heart

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Chapter 35

That Ruby Heart



"Umm..sorry.." I said, blushing. Wow, don't I feel dumb. That felt like I was in some stupid romance movie or something..

Ha! Like that could ever happen..

He laughed and said, "Come on. I know the perfect spot." He grabbed my hand and warmth instantly spread through my body. I cheered in my head. I wasn't sure where we were going to but trusted Luke with my life.

We ran out of the gym and into the school hallway. It was empty, but peaceful. He led my down the hallway and out into the courtyard. Outside it was a fair temperature and a cool breeze that felt amazing because I was sweating to death. See when I get really, really nervous, I sweat. I hate it.

He led me towards a bench and we both sat down. It was silent for a few second..just the chirping of crickets and the buzz of mosquitoes.I looked around the courtyard and saw that some tiki torches were set out for decoration and so it gave us just enough light to see each other.

I cleared my throat, just wanting to get this over with. Lucas looked like he was staring into space. I cleared my throat again and his head snapped to me. Luke was much taller than me so he was looking down at me, which I hate. It makes me feel small. 

"So..." He said with a nervous tone to his voice. He started wiping his hands on his nicely ironed tux. I took a once over and he looked friggin' hot. His blonde hair was not combed but he had a rugged look to him. His blue eyes sparkled in the dim lighting of the torches and it made him look even more gorgeous, to me anyway. He also had a nice tux on with a black tie that magically went with my dress. That's when I realized Ty's tie was blue..

I thought we were supposed to coordinate with our dates..

I would have thought further into it but this time Luke cleared his throat and my brown eyes snapped to his, again. I laughed nervously but I'm sure it came out a wheeze. Then I did something so stupid that jumping into a pit of cobras would seem like a genius idea.

I blurted, "I was raped." 

Ok, I'll admit: Not my best moment. And you can just tell how awkward it got after those three words came out of my big, fat mouth. The air got tense and his body stiffened. Oh yah, did I mention I was still holding his hand? Well, I was. His grip tightened around mine, almost painfully. 

It was silent once again but this was a tense, angry silence. I was almost suffocating from it. Finally, he spoke. But it was nothing like I thought.

"That sucks.." I couldn't take it. I started busting out laughing, shocking him. I bet you are wondering why I'm laughing. Well, I mean, don't you hate it when you get hurt and people start to take pity on you?Well that's how I felt everyday after the rape. But saying what Luke said was a new change and I liked it.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked me, blinking. So confused he must be. I finally stopped laughing and took my hand from his and cradled his cheek in my hand.

"Because all I have gotten is pity and sadness. But never 'that sucks'." I mimicked his voice. "It just felt...refreshing. Thank you." I said to him as I planted a light kiss on his lips. I pulled back and saw him staring at me in disbelief. 

"" He stammered to find the right words, maybe even any words. I giggled at his challenged and connected my lips to his just to get him to stop.

It didn't go any deeper because he pulled away and looked at me, thinking real hard about something. Oh boy...I hoped it would come to this but I can't say I wasn't expecting it. He's going to abandon me..again. I sighed and started to get up.

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