Chapter 17- Truth or Dare?

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Chapter 17

Truth or Dare?



The whole car was silent. Silent as a ghost. Anyone could hear a pin drop. I was driving, Teagan was reading her book, and River was looking out the window. I felt my phone vibrate for the fifth time, since we left my house. And it's only been a half an hour.

I knew who it was, I just didn't want to respond and plus, I'm driving. Even though the car was deathly silent, you could see the tension in the air, but there was no way to stop it. I can't believe my brother! He didn't even tell me he invited the ass. He just tells us the day of. I knew Percy was pissed at him for inviting him along but after their 'conversation', he seemed to have calmed down a little. I have no idea what Alex was thinking but he must have a gain to all this, because my brother never does somethig this stupid and rash without getting something out of it.

I heard Teagan slam her book, signalling she finished it. I looked at her in the rear-view mirror and caught her looking at me. She saw me looking at her, looking at me and looked down, blushing. Too cute..No. Not cute. Horri--Cute.

Damn me.

"Where are we?" She asked me, leaning up to get a better look throught the windshield. I took my eyes off the road for and scanned the surroundings. It was all plains. At least, for now. I thought we were going the wrong way until I saw the familiar license plate of a chevy and knew we were going the right way.

"No idea. I'm just following them." I said shrugging my shoulders. She sighed and leaned back in her seat. I saw her glance at River, but he didn't seem to notice. He was too busy looking out the window. I could tell he was thinking about something important very hard. I kind of feel sorry for him. Just a little.


A few hours later and we were in the thicken of trees. Trees, trees, trees, all around us. After five minutes of driving throughout the forest, I wanted out already. But it gave me a great excuse to go running in wolf-form much more, instead of limiting it to just once a week in our small park 'forest'. This could give me more time to think about everything that has happened. How I found my mate, how wierd Carrie has been acting and how the hell Teagan out of everyone became my mate.

I just don't understand how the Fates chose her for me. We are completely different. The only things we have in common is that we hate each other. That is it.

But with Carrie, I have so many things in common, such as............

We both like fruit! Yes! And also, we like to do sports! Uh huh..And..Um...Well I have more but I can't think of them right now because I am driving..Yes.

"So...You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Teagan abruptly asked us, snapping me out of my thoughts.

River looked unsure but nodded anyway and So did I. "Sure, why not? Who goes first?"

"I will." She offered. "Luke, truth or dare?" She asked me. I thought about it for a second then answered,

"Truth." At that she smirked. "Okay then, are you a virgin?" My eyes widened at her question. "Well..?" She prodded. I blushed and mumbled a 'yes'.

She was smirking even bigger, "What was that?"

"Yes." I said a bit louder. "Huh?" I rolled my eyes at her silly childishness and screamed, "Yes, I'm a fucking virgin!"

After a couple seconds of silence, her and River, surprisingly, started giggling. I sighed and decided to move on. "River, truth or dare?" I kept watching Teagan in the rear-view mirror every couple of seconds here and there, but I knew I needed to focus on the road.

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