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Author's pov

"Ohh there is our son taehyung" Mrs. Kim said when she saw taehyung entering the house

"Ohh my such a pretty boy" kate exclaimed as she stood up from her seat. Taehyung went and bent down to touch Kate's feet to take blessings

[In india younger ones take blessing from elder ones by touching their feet, also its a sign of giving respect to elders]

"God bless you dear" kate said patting taehyung's head. Taehyung smiled and stood straight

"Such a lovely boy you have here yeji" kate said to Mrs. Kim while caressing taehyung's face who smiled lovingly making kate smile too

"Hmm" Mrs. Kim hummed as she looked at taehyung with a motherly smile

"How are you aunty?" Taehyung asked while holding Kate's hands

"I m fine dear" kate said with a smile

"You are so cute aunt" taehyung said giggling making kate laugh

"Thank you dear" kate said as she made taehyung to sit beside her

"So what are you studying dear?" Kate asked taehyung

"I will be graduating in few days from IIG [International institute of Gemology] aunty" taehyung said with his usual smily face

"Ohhhh any plans after that?" Kate asked rubbing her thumb on taehyung's palm

"Hmm i want to work in Blueshine Gemstones as a designer" taehyung said tilting his head looking so cute

"Ohh really?" Kate asked excitedly and got a nod from taehyung

"Ohh that's amazing but i think you should first go and freshen up dear" kate said to taehyung who nodded and proceeded to go towards his room while kate sat beside Mrs. Kim

"Soohyun yeji if you both don't mind can i ask you something?" Kate asked holding Mrs. Kim's hand and looked at both of them

"Sure katherine tell us" Mr. Kim said turning towards his long time friend

"You have such a lovely son and i-i.... want to ask taehyung's hand for my son" kate said patting Mrs. Kim's hand , the couple were shocked but they were actually looking for a suitable boy for their elder son

"We don't have any problem kate , but its upto the kids, after all its their life" Mr. Kim said and Mrs. Kim nodded his head agreeing with her husband's words. Katherine smiled and nodded her head

"Offcourse , i will tell my son to come to india then these two can meet and if they are ok then we will finalize the wedding dates" kate said and the kim couple agreed with her

"What's going on?" a young boy around 17 years asked coming inside the living room

"Your wedding discussion" Mrs. Kim said teasing her younger son and received the most expected reaction

"Wth" the boy said looking at his mother in disbelieve

"Just kidding your hyung's marriage proposal , kate meet my younger son yeonjun" Mrs. Kim said and pointed towards the boy who smiled at kate and came and took blessing from kate

"I must say yeji your both boys are just so beautiful and handsome" Katherine praised which made yeonjun shy while yeji flipped her hairs

"Offcourse afterall they are my sons" yeji said proudly. Yeonjun rolled his eyes while Katherine just chuckled

"Honey you mean our right" soohyun asked his wife who waved her hands

"Yeah yeah our , your Katherine these only got my looks neither their habits justa re just like his" yeji complained to Katherine while smacking soohyun bicep who hissed lowly and rubbed the area with a pout

"Honey what did i do?" Soohyun asked in a pout and received a glare from his wife

"What did you do.....what did you do!! who ate the cookies at night with his two bratty followers" yeji commented with squited eyes

"Ahh yeah i remmber i have homeworks pending yeah homeworks, i will get going aunty" saying that yeonjun sprinted off to his room

Katherine laughed when yeonjun ran away while giving an excuse and soohyun giving a sheepish smile to yeji who was glarring at him and taehyung running from the stairs itself after hearing yeji

Finally after two weeks jungkook is able to get back home. Due to the runaway jungkook wasn't able to get back home and had to stay in his office. He now just want to lay down on his bed and sleep

Going to the living room he saw his younger brother having a huge smile which was directed towards him?

"Yoh why so overly happy dimples?" Jungkook asked his younger brother who was smiling widely without saying anything

"What?" Jungkook asked looking at his brother with squinted eyes

"I am so happy for you hyung" his brother said smiling like a cute bunny with two cute dimples

"Soobinnie" jungkook called his brother in a fake stern voice but just got a giggle in return

Jungkook sighed and walked towards their mansion's kitchen with soobin trailing behind no wait hopping behind him. Jungkook sighed and took out a cold water bottle from the refrigerator. He was about to gulp the water down but spit it directly on their nanny's face after what soobin said

"We are going to india to meet my brother-in-law hyungie" soobin said to Mrs. Choi jumping up and down while clapping his hand and here jungkook started coughing loudly. Their nanny didn't even cringed after jungkook spited his mouth water on her

Well too use to the vomit and poop of both the brothers. Mrs. Choi nanny of jungkook and soobin. She was first jungkook and soobin cousin brother namjoon's nanny but after jungkook was born she became his nanny and then later soobin's

"W-wha-at?!!" Jungkook asked after calming down from his coughing fit

"Yupp we will be going to noida next month" soobin said , his bunny smile never leaving his face

Jungkook frowned at the news. His boyfriend's face continuously popping up in his mind. He just dashed into his room with fist clenched tightly. He knows why his mother did this

Love marriages are not aloud in their family and he knew this but he couldn't help but fall for his undercover assassin/boyfriend. Jungkook loves his boyfriend more than anything in this world but he can't go against his mother

And because of this he took the biggest wrong decision of his life i.e to make his so called future wife/husband's life a living hell

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Please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors

Guys please try to understand me that its not possible for me to update something for which i have no idea how to continue it

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