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Author's pov

"I- ahhhhhhhhhhhh" the poor trainee shouted in pain as another pocket knife was thrown at him which directly pierced his shin area

"Exactly, that was the same way my lovely wife felt when your pathetic ass fired the gun mIsTaKeNlY at her bump" jungkook said in his dark voice before again throwing a knife which pierced the boy's right palm

The boy was constanly screaming in pain while being tied up to the dart board. Blood splattered all over the place. Yoongi and hoseok just stood aside with head hung low and hands tied at the back

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" the boy screamed loudly when three knives peirced his stomach

"I might have lost my children and my wife and that's all because of You!" Jungkook said before taking the gun and loading it completely

"This is for being a weak idiot" jungkook said and fired the gun at the boy. The bullet directly hit the trainee's left eye

"This is for missing the target" another gun firing and the bullet hit his right eye

"This is for getting scared and firing the gun at my wife" another gun shot and the bullet hit the trainee's forehead

"This is for selecting such a trainee" a shot hit jhope's leg but he just groaned quietly and gulped the lump in his throat

"This is for shouting at this idiot becuase of which he accidentally fired the gun at my wife" a shot hit yoongi's arm but he closed his eyes groaning lowly

"And this is for touching my wife. No one touches what's mine. He is mine!!" a shot hit luhan's head as he feel down. Dead on spot.

"No one leaves without getting killed after harming my wife.....and my kids" Jungkook said before dashing out of the basement

Jungkook softly opened the ward door and went inside. There his lovely, brave wife was laying on the bed, connected to so many machines with wires. He slowly went and sat on the stool beside the bed. He had already taken a shower and gotten into a set of fresh clothes

"Hey love" jungkook said quietly as he very softly caressed taehyung's head

"You know love our babies are so cute and beautiful just like you. Yes babies *chuckle* our princess hid her twin brother all this while. You know our son is so tiny and cute and looks just like you love. Please wake up soon , eun and yeon wanna meet their mumma" jungkook whispered while caressing taehyung's hair

It's only been six hours. Jungkook had sent namjoon back but soobin stubbornly stayed back. Currently he was talking to his nephew and neice so Jungkook came to meet taehyung for the first time after his surgery. Jungkook hasn't informed their parents yet but he knows he needs to inform them soon.

"Hyung may i come in?" Soobin asked softly while peaking inside taehyung's vip ward

"Hmm" jungkook just hummed letting his brother cum son enter inside

"For you appa" soobin said handing a cup of black coffee to jungkook

"Thanks binnie" jungkook thanked his brother and patted his head . Soobin gave a cute dimple bunny smile to him before hugging him from behind

"Wake up soon eomma. Eun-ah and yeonnie are waiting to meet you. You know eomma yeonnie is gonna be so handsome when he grows up and i can bet my mint choco ice-cream for that '' soobin said with an overly excited voice. Jungkook chuckled hearing his talks before looking up at his face

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