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The saat phere or seven circumambulations is one of the most important features of the Hindu Wedding, involving seven rounds around a sacred fire lit for the purpose amidst the Vedic mantras.

The bride and groom circumambulate a consecrated fire seven times, reciting specific vows with each circuit (parikrama). Vows made in the presence of the sacred fire (agni) are considered unbreakable, with Agnideva (God/Lord of Fire) held as witnessing and blessing the couple's union.

Every phera taken holds a specific meaning. And according to vedas parikrama is from the origin of hindu dharma, according to vedas it is lord's ritual of acceptances of the soul.

Sitting beside each with hand in hand the couple worshipped the deity gods as they take a new step forward in their life. The sacred bond of marriage will join these two souls for not just one but seven lives just like the seven circumambulations

"The bride and groom please stand up for the circumambulations" pandit ji said as the couple stood up holding hands together

"The first four circumambulations will be done with groom on the front and bride at the back while the last three circumambulations will be done with the bride in front and the groom behind" the pandit ji said and that's how the circumambulations started with the family members and guests throwing flower petals at them

In the first phera, the couple prays to God for plenty of nourishing and pure food. They pray to God to let them walk together so that they will get food.

In the second phera, the couple prays to God for a healthy and prosperous life. They ask for the physical, spiritual and mental health from God.

In the third phera, the couple prays to God for wealth.They ask God for the strength for both of them so that they can share the happiness and pain together. Also, they pray so that they can walk together to get wealth.

In the fourth round, the couple prays to God for the increase in love and respect for each other and their respective families.

In the fifth round, the bride and groom together pray for the beautiful, heroic and noble children from God.

In the sixth round around the fire, the couple asks for a peaceful long life with each other.

In the final seventh round, the couple prays to God for companionship, togetherness, loyalty and understanding between themselves. They ask God to make them friends and give them the maturity to carry out the friendship for lifetime.

Having exchanged these vows of love, duty, respect, fidelity and a fruitful union the couple agree to be companions forever. The process of saat phere acquires more significance in that the couple prays for the peace and well-being of the entire universe.

Hindu marriage is a symbol of purity, sacred union of two different people from the community and culture. All the Hindu marriages carry out similar rituals with minor differences.

After the seven circumambulations the groom and bride sat down on their respective places as the pandit ji kept on saying the mantras

"Now the groom fill the bride's mang (when the hairs are parted from middle of head the scalp part which is seen is called maang in hindi) with sindoor (vermilion) and put the mangalsutra around his neck" the pandit ji instructed. Jimin brought the plate with sindoor and mangalsutra in it along with a coin to scoop the sindoor and fill taehyung's mang



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