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Author's pov

"Yeji....soohyun meet my sons jungkook and soobin and they are hoseok and yoongi jong ki's cousin brother's sons" Katherine introduced the four tall handsome men standing beside her

"My my you have really handsome yet super cute sons kate" yeji said as she lead all of them to the living room

"Even yoongi and hoseok are no less , all of them are really handsome" soohyun praised the boys who were really shy from all the comments

"Boys.. kate have a seat i will be back with some snacks" yeji said as she went towards the kitchen to fetch some snacks while soohyun started to initiate a conversation with them

"Where is tae soohyun?" Katherine asked after all of them settled on the couches with cups of coffee

"Out with his besties" soohyun said as he finger coated besties

"Ahhh i see" Katherine said chuckling and jungkook just mentally rolled his eyes

All of them were gossiping mostly Katherine, yeji and soohyun while the four boys were just sitting there sipping their coffees when a tierd yeonjun came back from his school with almost dragging his body inside

"Wooow junnie you look very tierd son" Katherine said when she noticed a very tierd yeonjun coming inside

Yeonjun just hummed with a tiny smile and straight up went to his room and just dropped his body on his bed. The boys were finally relaxing with the kim couple when two seven year old kids barged inside the house with bags in their hand

"Taetae unnie!!" Avi shouted as she looked around the house , Yeji and soohyun chuckled at those pouty babies. Jungkook's ears perked up at the mention of the nickname. Yoongi and hoseok looked at jungkook who had a strong grip at the cup

"Your taetae unnie is out with your dimmine and chu unnie" yeji said as she stood up from her seat. Both the girls looked towards her and their zavi's introvertism kick out as he hid behind her twin after seeing so many people

"Ohh umm Anneyonghaseyo" avi greeted the guests with a 90° bow who smiled at those two cute girls. Soobin , hoseok and yoongi giggled listening to the cute pronunciation,jungkook smiled lightly

"Did i said the correct word aunty?" Avi asked yeji who laughed at her and nodded her head

"Yes you did bubba" yeji said as she brought the girls along with her towards the living room

"They are avi and zavi, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Shrivastava's our neighbor" yeji introduced the two girls who bowed to the new faces

"Zavi avi when did you guys came back from your trip?" Soohyun asked as the girls who turned towards him with smiles

"At... at?" Zavi asked avi who just facepalmed at her twin's question before replying

"12 in the morning uncle and we slept throughout the journey so we are fully charged" avi said , zavi also nodded her head agreeing to her twin. Everyone were smiling at the two girls when a deep velvety yet soothing voice caught their attention

"Ohh babies you are back" a very beautiful girl said coming inside, looking damn pretty in her dress

"Taetae unnie!!" The twins ran towards the girl who crouched down with a boxy smile and engulfed the twins in a bear hug

"Aye i missed you two" taehyung said as she stood up along with the two girls in his arm

"We missed you too" the twins said as they kissed taehyung's cheeks making him giggle

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