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-Double update-

Author's pov

"Mam are you sure?" Luhan , taehyung's personal bodyguard asked for the nth time. Why? You may ask. So the thing is , taehyung is in his eight months of pregnancy and he wants to go to the training centre to watch the trainees train

"Do i now need to sign a legal document that says 'I , Jeon Taehyung wants to go the training base'?" Taehyung asked in a pissed voice. Luhan shook his head before opening the car door

Taehyung got in and yup he actually went to the training base where yoongi , namjoon , hoseok and jungkook are training the new trainees along with soobin. He most particularly wanted to see how soobin is doing

Reaching the training base luhan helped taehyung to get down from the car and walked him up to the place where trainees were training. They could hear hoseok and yoongi barking commands at the trainees

Reaching up to the room taehyung slowly and quietly opened the door and just stood there watching how the trainees are getting trained. They were doing good but taehyung wasn't satisfied and then he saw a trainee shooting at the aim with wrong hand position who would quickly correct it as soon as hoseok passed through him

"Stop!!!" Taehyung shouted stopping the whole training. He might be pregnant but his skills haven't lessened a bit

"Tae" Jungkook was quick walk up to his wife but taehyung just showed his palm. One thing he despise the most is mistakes

"Is this how you are training them?" Taehyung asked hoseok and yoongi who were basically responsible to train the new comers untill taehyung joins


"IS THIS HOW YOU BOTH ARE TRAINING THEM SUGA AND JHOPE , I WANT FUCKING ANSWERS!" Taehyung shouted at them who flinched at the intensity and looked down with hands on back

"YOU! COME HERE" Taehyung called the particular trainee

"Me?" Another trainee beside the one taehyung was pointing asked pointing at himself

"Not you , 105 you COME HERE" Taehyung ordered and that trainee was quick to walk towards him

"Who were you trying to fool? Huh.. you think no one will see you and you will continue to train in your own comfortable position which is wrong. You won't even survive for a second in the battles" taehyung spouted , his face showing how angry he was

"You know what? Here is no place for such trainees. RM!" Taehyung said and called namjoon who was quick to come to his side

"Yes V" namjoon stood in an erect position with hands on his sides

"Throw him out , he won't be training here. There is no place for lazy hags here" taehyung commanded and namjoon was quick to take the trianee out

"You two" taehyung called yoongi and hoseok who looked up at him quickly

"Pay more attention" taehyung said strictly before turning at the trainees

"Try to be more smart and next time i won't throw you out rather shoot you myself. Now what are you seeing my face START TRAINING" taehyung said loud and clear. The trainees where quick to go back to their training

"Where is soobin?" Taehyung asked jungkook

"He is on a break" jungkook replied before making taehyung sit on the chair

"Call him , i want to see how he is getting trained" taehyung said. Nodding Jungkook ordered one of his guards to call soobin

"Yes hyun-

"Soobin , learn one thing. You need to know how to keep your personal and professional life separated. In office and taining base we are you sir and mam not your hyung and noona. Am i clear?" Taehyung said , his sharp eyes boring into soobin's soul

"Yes mam" soobin said nodding his head

"Show me your shooting skills" taehyung said before shifting in his seat as the baby kicked

"Yes mam" soobin bowed at taehyung before taking the gun and standing in between the other trainees and did what he was asked for

"Give me a knife" taehyung asked jungkook who quickly handed him three pocket knife. Taehyung threw the knives at soobin and two other trainees to check their reflex

Soobin was quick to dodge the knife as from his peripheral vision he already saw taehyung throwing the knife and same goes with the trainee number 103 but the trainee number 109 got injured because he couldn't even sense the knife coming at his direction

Yoongi clenched his teeth in anger because he had taught that particular trainee thousand of times to keep all his senses in alert mode but alas!


"109" yoongi called the trainee in anger , 109 turned around. He was damn scared as his hands were shaking too

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STAY ALERT!" yoongi shouted at him in which the poor boy flinched and accidentally pulled the trigger of the gun
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" taehyung screamed in pain while holding his stomach as his hand got drenched with blood. Taehyung scaredly looked at his stomach and then at jungkook


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