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Author's pov

"Baby you ok?" Jungkook asked while patting taehyung's back

"After vomiting my guts out for five times a day , you think i am ok?" Taehyung asked while throwing a hard glare at his husband

Jungkook pursed his lips while gulping. His wife has gotten more scary from the moment he entered the second month of pregnancy. His mood swings are already making jungkook go crazy

"Wait a minute" jungkook said and helped taehyung to lay down on the bed before taking his phone and doing some google searches

"Chamomile tea hmm!" Jungkook mumbled before calling taehyung's gynac to confirm if it was safe for taehyung to drink chamomile tea at this time


"Hello Dr. Manoban?"

"Yes Mr. Jeon , how may i help you"

"Doctor can my wife have chamomile tea?"

"I guess he is having morning sickness?"

"Yes doctor , he is throwing up five times a day"

"Yes he can have chamomile tea , it will help him with his morning sickness. And don't worry by the time he enters his second trimester his morning sickness will lessen down hopefully"

"Ok thank Dr. Manoban"

"Anytime, have a great day Mr. Jeon"

"You too"

"Chamomile tea" jungkook mumbled before dashing out of their room. Taehyung heard all the conversations and even saw how his husband was walking round and round in circles all this while

Taehyung chuckle before caressing his tummy with a smile. He knows that due to his mood swings he sometimes becomes so rude and harsh with jungkook but its not like it is in his hands

"Baby , your daddy is so cute" taehyung said to the baby. He suddenly wanted to eat ice cubes so he sat on the bed and was about to stand up when their bedroom door opened and in came his brother-in-law

"How are you doing noona?" Soobin asked after closing the door. Ohh yes he calls taehyung noona just like how the Shrivastava twins does

"Morning sickness" taehyung said and patted the space beside him

"Why are sitting then? You should rest noona" soobin said and sat beside taehyung

"I wanted to eat some ice cubes" taehyung said

"Wait here i will bring it for you" soobin said and got up from the bed and went out of the room before taehyung could even deny

After few minutes soobin came in with a bowl of ice cubes. He sat beside taehyung and gave him the bowl before taking his feet to message it

"H-hey h-hey soobin what are you doing?!" Taehyung squeaked when soobin started messaging his feets

"I have never said this but kookie hyung has always been a father figure to me and same goes with yoongi , namjoon and hobi hyung. But more kookie hyung. He has done the duties of a father.

I was just few months old when appa died, since then hyung was always beside me as mom was busy with the company. You are too like a mother figure to me. So let this son of your serve you. Ok?" Soobin said with a smile. Taehyung was a bit emotional hearing this but he nodded his head

"Ok my dear son" taehyung said chuckling before shoving an ice cube inside his mouth. Soobin chuckled and continued to message taehyung's feet

"So are you ready for your training?" Taehyung asked while munching on the ice cubes

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