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Author's pov

"Yes mom dont worry , you just stay safe ok?" The mafia boss said , talking to his mother on call

"Yes yes i will take care of binnie" he said sipping his black coffee , his eyes focused on his laptop screen

"Ohh please i can cook ok?" He said offended when his mom accused him for starving both himself and his brother

"Yeah yeah" the mafia boss mumbled while rolling his eyes when his mother made fun of his deep sleeping habit

"Love you too mom , bye" he said with a genuine smile before declining the call and get back to his work

"Everything is ready for the runaway kook" a cat eyed man said while coming inside the cabin with a few files in his hand

"That's great yoongi hyung" jungkook said smiling at his hyung before taking those files

"What about that ShinMi?" jungkook asked while going throw the file

"That little boyfriend of yours-

"He is taller than you" jungkook said cutting off yoongi who just scoffed before continuing

"Yeah yeah whatever , you know what you got yourself a perfect boyfriend who is just like you. God the body he sent *shiver* gave me shivers down my spine when i saw it , still in that condition too that bastard was kept alive because according to your boyfriend he played with the toy as much as he wanted and now its your turn" yoongi said as he took a seat infront of jungkook

"Aww my baby knows me so well" jungkook said smirking evily as he kept the file aside and looked up at yoongi who gave his wtf look

"Whatever but yeah that little shit in the basement for you to give the final touches and finally send him to your god" yoongi said rolling his eyes as he leaned on the chair

"Ohh sure i will-

"Food is here" a guy with a chirpy voice said cutting off jungkook as he came inside the cabin with plastic bags in his both hands

"Wow thanx hobi hyung" jungkook said. He stood up from his seat , opened his coat and rolled his sleeves up, Yoongi doing the same

"Any time jungkookie also its your favorite" hobi said wiggling the metal chopsticks bringing a smile in jungkook's face

"You 're the best hyung" jungkook said hugging hobi from back who laughed and patted jungkook's head

"Hoba!!! Thank you" yoongi said with his gummy smile in display as he saw Samgyeopsal and Galbi. Hoseok just laughed and nodded his head

"Dig in guys" hoseok said and the three of them devored their foods with satisfed moans leaving their mouth now and then

After their lunch jungkook , yoongi and hoseok got back to their work. They all are quiet busy due to the runaway were their new collection of jewelery will be displayed and this particular one is very important than any of the runaways they had since the president of korea and his wife will also attend the show and the thought itself is making jungkook nervous

Jungkook wants everything to be perfect. The design are ready and he himself is enquiring everything four times. He doesn't wants anything to go wrong. He himself choose the models and he was himself present in the production area when the jeweleries were being made

"Hi babies" taehyung greeted the twin girls around seven years old who live in his neighborhood. He just arrived from his college when he saw the two girls playing outside their house

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