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Taehyung's pov

Tears weren't stopping to flow down my cheeks as I held the pregnancy test kit in my hand. I am pregnant! We are having a baby. I can't express how happy I am right now. I caressed my tummy with my right hand with a big smile

After trying for three months I have finally conceived. That time when I thought I would be pregnant didn't happen. After having unprotected sex for almost two more months I am finally pregnant.

My happiness has no bounds at the moment. This feeling. Gosh I just can't explain how happy I am right now. I am lacking words to describe it

"Hello baby. This is your mumma. I hope you are doing well. Today we are going to tell your daddy about you. Are you excited to meet daddy?" I talked with my tummy. I know our baby can't hear me right now but i just can't stop myself

I need to check it out and confirm it with the doctor. I quickly called at the hospital i usually go when i am here in korea and took an appointment with the best gynaecologist in seoul

My appointment is at 12pm and it's almost 11.30 and it takes almost 20 minutes to reach the hospital. I should go and get ready~

Two hours later--

I have the first ultrasound of our baby. I am so excited. After the appointment with the doctor i went to buy some stuffs to decorate our bed room. I wanna surprise my hubby

Ohh the doctor said I am completely fine and the baby is fine too. She gave me some vitamins and some essential meds i need to take during my whole pregnancy before dismissing me

I am planning to take help from the butlers since the doctor told me to be very careful during this first trimester. Oh btw i am 6 weeks so far i.e already a month pregnant. I also heard my baby's soft heartbeat

That sound is my favourite. The soft beats of our baby's heart signifying their presence inside my womb. I will be entering my second month of my pregnancy after two weeks

I am very excited to embrace this new feeling of motherhood. A mother. I wanna be the best mother for our baby. I wanna teach him or her all the things which i wasn't taught. Give hi/her the environment where i wished i could grow up

It's not like I didn't have a great childhood. Of Course i did. But somewhere i missed my parents. Having both working parents brings some disadvantages too. But still my mom and dad raised me with utmost care and love yet i wished somewhere in a corner of my heart that if i had my mother waiting for me when i get back from school rather than a nanny

I won't return to work until my baby is big enough to manage him or herself and I know Jungkook too felt the same thing. We both didn't had too much time with our parents as they were quite busy with their own jobs

Forget all these sad talks and let's focus on decorating our bedroom. I had already asked the butlers to help who were very happy and even congratulated me and did all the decorations themselves, not letting me do anything

Our head chef even baked a cake to celebrate this happy news. Ohh i need to inform the others about this but first my hubby has the right to know about his baby
It's almost time for my dear baby's daddy to come home. I am very excited to tell him this news. The gift box which I prepared also looks very cute. Ohh there he is. I should hide. I hid in our closet after switching off the lights in our bedroom

Author's pov

Jungkook as usual came back home after his long tiring day in the office. Though his day is so tiring that he almost gives up but just the thought of returning back to his wife makes him to go through it

He was a bit shocked when taehyung as usual didn't come to open the door for him rather a buttler opened it for him. A bad feeling started swirling inside of him as he quickly dashed towards his room

For some reason his heart was beating very fast. He quickly opened their bedroom door to just meet with darkness

"B-baby?" Jungkook called out , shuttering a bit. The lights suddenly turned on. Jungkook looked around their room and then his eyes fell on their bed , particularly the box on it

He slowly walked towards their bed and bent to take the box. His hands were shaking a bit , he took a deep breath to calm himself down before opening the box. There was a neatly folded paper inside it. He kept the box down before opening the paper which was actually a letter

My dear daddy, (jungkook took a deep breathe as his eyes got teary with happy tears)

Hi daddy , it's me, your baby bun. Shocked right? But yup i am finally here. You know mumma was so happy when he found out about me. Are you happy? (Jungkook nodded his head eagerly with tears streaming down his cheeks)

I am so excited to meet you daddy. You wanna hear my heartbeats? (Jungkook again nodded his head and at the same time he heard the best music , the soft yet fast heartbeats of his baby)

I am still six weeks old but I can't wait to grow up and come out to play with you. Look inside the box daddy there's my first selfie (jungkook quickly picked the box and there is the ultrasound pic , he kissed the picture before sniffing and continued reading the letter)

Also buy a stock of nana milk and mint choco ok? I wanna eat them and...and also choco coated stawbellies and i wanna see pikachu too (jungkook eagerly nodded his head "i will , i will'' saying he continued)

Ok now i wanna sweep, i am a baby light so feel sweepy but meet you in the morning daddy. Bye bye but make sure to bring those okies?

Your baby bun

"Yes" Jungkook said softly while sniffing and then he felt two arms wrap around his torso. He quickly turned around and kissed his wife

"Thank you , thank you so much my love" jungkook said after breaking the kiss as he just couldn't stop his tears flowing down. Taehyung just smiled at his husband and took his hand guided it to his tummy

Jungkook dropped on his knees before moving the top from taehyung's tummy and lovingly placed few kisses on it

"Bunbun are you sleeping? See daddy is here. And i am so happy to know about you. I will buy all the things you demanded for, okies. Stay healthy my cutie and promise me you won't give mumma a hard time. Can't wait to hold you in my hands bun. Come quickly okie?" Jungkook talked with the six weeks fetus while taehyung looked at his husband with teary eyes and huge boxy smile

Now their family is gonna be complete. Them and their baby. What else they could ask for? They are happily married , they are soon going to welcome their first child , their business and mafia work is going great

Both of them are elated to welcome their child and embrace this new journey of parenthood. Finally a little bundle of joy will be entering their life. Jungkook quickly stood up and took his phone out before informing all the family members about this happy news. He was literally jumping around while announcing it

Katherine was crying tears of joy while yeji and soohyun were no less. Soobin literally drove all the way from the main Jeon mansion to his hyung's house to congratulated them

Jimin and jisoo couldn't stop squealling , namjoon and jin had already decided to come tomorrow to meet the couple and congratulate them , yoongi and hoseok were already with their laptop buying things for their nephew. A child is that's why called a bunddle of joy, as it brings lots of happiness with it


Story is ending soon...

Ahh well i hope i didn't disappoint anyone. I really tried my best to make this story good.

Please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors as english is not my first language...

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Love you guys~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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