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Author's pov

"What do you mean stink?!! I took a bath today!!" Yoongi shrieked loudly when he was accused of smelling like a poop by his dear brother-in-law

"Do I look like I give a shit about it? Just get out!! Kookie tell him to get out , he smells so bad!" Taehyung said and suddenly started crying. Jungkook panicked and stuffed taehyung's face in the crook of his neck and pleaded his hyung to leave

Yoongi left Jungkook's office room while fuming in anger. He smells like jasmine not like poop. Well the Jeons are having a very hard time in keeping up with taehyung's pregnancy mood swings

In his third month of pregnancy Taehyung's mood swings have gotten worse. A moment he is smiling, the next moment he is fuming in anger and then he is crying and then laughing. Jungkook has literally left his soul as well as life on God's hands

"Hmm, babe you smell amazing~" Taehyung said and started placing sloppy kisses on Jungkook's neck. Jungkook quickly locked his office cabin door because he knows things are going to escalate soon

It was a normal day in Blueshine Gemstones headquarters with the CEO working in his cabin and his secretary working on his own cabin. But suddenly Mrs. Jeon started missing his husband so he came to spend some time with his dear love

But when both were about to kiss , yoongi came in unannounced as always which made Mrs. Jeon angry because he couldn't kiss his hubby and secondly yoongi smelt like poop, according to Mrs. Jeon

As expected Mr and Mrs. Jeon had some hot office sex on Mr. Jeon's oak table. After having their steamy moments Mrs. Jeon just slept on his husband's lap while Mr. Jeon did his work

"Hubby~" Taehyung called for his husband from the living room. Currently taehyung was watching some K-dramas while jungkook was cooking for his four months preggy wifey. As its weekend , the couple decided to spend some time in their home rather than going out

"Yes baby" jungkook said after coming into the living room while wiping his hands in his apron

"Go and take a bath" taehyung said batting his eyelashes innocently as he stood up from the couch

"But baby the food-

"Ohh come on hubby. You haven't taken a bath, now go go take a bath. I am not hungry anymore" taehyung said pushing jungkook towards their room

"Ok but-

"No buts" taehyung and pushed jungkook towards their room. They have shifted downstairs the moment taehyung entered his second trimester

"Ok" Jungkook said before going to take a bath. Taehyung giggled before switching off the tv and going to the kitchen to keep the food in the refrigerator before quickly going to their room

He went inside their closet and after sometime came out wearing a sexy spaghetti dress which reached barely till his thighs. The dress showed his curves perfectly yet his small baby bump was visible

The dress showed his perfect perky peachy ass and his naturally big boobs. He went to the dresser and combed his hair and left it a bit messy before applying a red lipstick

The black dress and the red lipstick was making him look like a walking sin. He quickly dimmed the room lights and closed the curtains and lit some scented candles

He heard the bathroom door open so he deliberately bent down sensually. As he bent down the dress lifted up and showing his ass and his red lace panties

Jungkook didn't expect to get hard just after coming out from a bath. Taehyung turned around while sitting and then stood up slowly showing his cleavage. He acted as if he was shocked to see his husband standing outside the bathroom door in just a towel wrapped around his torso while his upper body was in full display

Jungkook licked his lips and gulped hard after seeing his wife. Those long legs , thick ass , big boobs , those sinful collarbones , perfect curves yet the cutest baby bump

Jungkook started walking towards taehyung with slow steps with taehyung walking backwards until his back hit the wall. Jungkook threw the towel he was using to dry his hair and trapped the walking beauty between his arms and the wall

"What do you think you are doing babydoll?" Jungkook asked in his deep voice , sending shivers down taehyung's spine

"What daddy?" Taehyung asked ever so innocently while batting his eyelashes

"*groan* don't test my patience baby doll" jungkook said while sniffing his wife's neck. He is addicted to his wife's smell of lavender

"Am i? Daddy" taehyung asked every so sensually near jungkook's ear

"You are gonna regret it baby doll" jungkook replied as he started placing soft pecks on taehyung's neck and then bit his earlobe

Taehyung moaned deeply before gliding his fingers over Jungkook's abs and chest. He moved more closer to his husband's body pressed their body close but made sure to not put pressure on his baby bump

Taehyung suddenly chuckled, catching Jungkook's attention. Jungkook backed away from abusing taehyung's neck and looked at his eyes. Taehyung placed his hand on his bump and caressed it softly with a smile

"Why are chuckling hun?" Jungkook asked wrapping his arms around taehyung's waist

"From next month i can even feel our baby's movements , he is growing so fast" taehyung said softly looking at his tummy

"Really?" Jungkook asked surprised. Their bun is growing really fast.

"Hmm. My little sunshine , mumma loves you so much bubba" taehyung said with a warm smile and patted his baby bump softly

"Dada loves you too" jungkook said bending down on his knees and kissed the clothed baby bump

"Dada me wanna eat choco" taehyung said in a baby voice while caressing jungkook's still half wet hairs

"*chuckle* Is that so? Ok anything else my bun wanna eat?" Jungkook asked playing along as he placed his ear on the clothed bump

"Umm me wanna eat banana and strawberry smoothie too" taehyung said in a baby voice. Jungkook chuckled and nodded his head before kissing the bump

"Ok as my baby bun wishes." Jungkook said before getting up. He pecked taehyung's forehead who gave him a boxy smile before smirking and pushing jungkook on the bed

This surprised Jungkook a bit as he sat on the bed with the support of his elbows. Taehyung sensually walked towards jungkook before stopping four steps away from him

He pushed his hair to the side before turning around and then very slowly pulled the strings of the dress. Taehyung again turned around before slipping down the thin straps of the dress off his shoulder

He bit his lips sexily before sitting on Jungkook's thick thighs. He started bending while running his finger over his husband's abs when suddenly his tummy growled

Taehyung blinked his eyes a few times before looking at his tummy which again growled. Jungkook chuckled at it catching taehyung's attention

"Looks like our bun is really hungry hmm?" Jungkook said caressing taehyung's bump. Taehyung pouted but still smiled at his bump

"Well nevermind, some other time we will continue this but right now we need to feed our little cutie" taehyung said patting his baby bump

Jungkook again chuckled before carrying his wife inside their closet. He changed his wife into a comfy oversized sweater and some sweats and tied his hair up with a banana clip. He couldn't help but put his head inside the sweater and kiss the bump multiple times

Both of them are very much attached to their baby. Of Course it's their first child but also because all of Jungkook's friends have kids who are already in elementary school and here he was , not even married so Jungkook is very much excited to welcome his first child with his love of life


Not me planning something else when the story is about to end 😜

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