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Author's pov

After the dinner the couple were escorted to their rooms. Jimin and jisoo surely played a lot with jungkook by not letting him into the room before giving them money. After getting 10,000 wons each they finally let him go inside the room.

Jungkook sighed once he entered his room. He locked the door and threw his body on the bed. He could hear the water running inside the bathroom so he assumed that taehyung might be taking a bath

His energy is totally drained out after the rituals and all. He closed his eyes and laid on the bed for a few moments. He heard the bathroom door open yet he kept his eyes closed. Sighing again he sat up and went to shower.

Taehyung watched as his husband looked so exhausted. Taehyung dried his hair and wore a simple maxi dress before sitting on the bed. They have had a lot today. First their system almost got hacked , then their wedding rituals in midst of which they got the news of one their shipments getting wrecked

Too much for today and they just want to sleep and relax their mind and body because they both know that once they are back to Korea they have a lot of things to take care of.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom in a pair of sweats and threw the towel in the laundry basket before getting into the bed and snuggling his face in between his wife's fluffy breast. Usually taehyung doesn't wear his bralette when he is with jungkook.

"Tired?" Taehyung asked as he ran his fingers through jungkook's slightly wet hair. He felt him nod with a sigh following by. Taehyung himself sighed and started patting jungkook's back while humming a soft tune

Within minutes Jungkook was in dreamland. Taehyung looked down at his husband's tired face and pecked his forehead before letting sleep take over him too.

[A/n: sorry to those who were expecting a smut. But don't be sad , it will come soon]

Next day both of them were woken up by the extremely bright sunlight. Cursing the sun for its brightness taehyung finally opened their eyes. He looked at the clock to see it was just 6.30 in the morning

"Why the fuck the sun is so bright this early in the morning" taehyung grumbled under his breathe before looking down to see his husband stuffing his face between his breast to block the light

Taehyung sighed before he stretched his legs which made a crack sound when he suddenly felt his husband's hand going inside his maxi dress up to his bare chest

He raised his eyebrows while looking at his husband who still had his eyes closed and face stuffed in between his breasts. He rolled his eyes at his husband's antics before stretching his right arms as his joints make a pop sound

A quiet yelp left past his lips when Jungkook pinched his nipples. He looked at his husband who had a slight smirk on his face while his eyes were closed. Taehyung quietly huffed as he lightly smacked his husband's head

A deep sexy throaty chuckle escaped Jungkook's lips as he finally opened his eyes and looked up at his wife. A pink shade coated Taehyung's cheeks while he looked down at him. Jungkook's deep voice has always been his weak point

"Good Morning my lovely wife." Jungkook said in his deep morning voice , now these are the moments when Taehyung gets too shy

"Good Morning hubby." Taehyung said while blushing. Jungkook chuckled at his shy wife who isn't shy at all during their work hours. Well at that time he is like a tigress , His Tigress.

"Hmm. So, newly married life" jungkook said hovering over taehyung who circled his arms around his husband's neck on instinct

"Uhuh~" taehyung replied as he stared at jungkook's onyx eyes

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