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Author's pov

"K-kookie our baby-y" taehyung shuttered out as he kept on groaning in pain while tears streamed down his face

Jungkook's blood ran cold as he saw blood coming out of his wife's stomach. Namjoon held jungkook's shoulder and shook him to bring him out of his dazed state

"Luhan , get the car ready. Suga , i want that guy in the basement" jungkook said in his dark deep voice before rushing out of the training room with taehyung in his arms who was crying while holding his stomach

"K-koo-kie pl-lease sav-ve ou-ur baby" taehyung shuttered out as he kept on groaning in pain

"Nothing will happen to you sweetheart. Neither you nor our baby.. "Jungkook assured Taehyung as he caressed his head. Luhan drove as fast as he could to the nearest hospital

As soon as they reached the hospital Jungkook quickly got out with taehyung in his arms. The medical team was already waiting for them as Yoongi had informed them beforehand. The most experienced doctors and nurses were there for taehyung

"You need to stay out Mr. Jeon '' one of the oldest nurses said before wheeling taehyung inside the OT. Jungkook walked up to the wall and slid down as he stared at his hand which was covered with taehyung's blood. The scenario repeatedly playing in mind

Yoongi , hoseok , soobin and namjoon rushed towards him and saw him sitting in a corner while staring at his hands , looking so vulnerable. Soobin quickly went and sat beside his hyung and hugged him

"Nothing will happen to noona and our champ hyung. They are fighters hyung" soobin assured jungkook who just stayed frozen , it looked like he was a statue but breathing

It took almost three hours before they heard the baby cry. A smile appeared on everyone's face as soon as they heard the baby's first cry.

"Hyung , I guess you should wash up. You won't want to hold our champ with bloody hands right?" Soobin said softly to jungkook while rubbing soothing circles on his back

Jungkook nodded his head and went to the washroom to wash his hands , hoseok gave a fresh shirt to soobin after bringing it from the car and soobin gave it to jungkook who changed into the fresh black shirt

And now all of them were waiting outside the OT. Soon enough the oldest nurse came out , she removed her mask and walked up to jungkook

"I must say your babies are quite a fighter" the nurse said with a smile

"Babies?" Jungkook asked confused and just got a smile from the nurse

"Congratulations Mr. Jeon , you are now a father of twins" the nurse congratulated and patted jungkook's shoulder

"T-Twin-ns?" Jungkook asked in utter shock. Weren't they having a single baby?

"Well yes , apparently your baby girl hid her twin brother completely so the second baby couldn't be seen during the sonography" the nurse said with a sweet smile

"O-ohh" was all jungkook could say. He was just too overwhelmed. They have a boy and a girl. He is now a father of not only one but two babies

"There they are. Although they are premature, they are very healthy. They only need to spend a week in incubator" the nurse informed and two other nurses came with two fluffballs bundled up in pink and blue blankets

A sob left Jungkook's lips as tears streamed down his face as soon as he got a glimpse of his children. Soobin smiled at him and gave his shoulder a squeeze. Namjoon , yoongi and hoseok were also smiling widely as they came and gave pats at jungkook's shoulder

"Your first born , a beautiful baby girl" the nurse carrying the baby girl said and showed the little baby to her father , the baby was sleeping peacefully all wrapped up. Her long eyelashes resting on her cheeks as her milky white skin glowed with the lights. Her cute nose and her cute lips with those cute cheeks. In totally a precious gem

"Here is your second born , a cute baby boy" the nurse carrying the baby boy said and showed the small baby bundled up in a baby blue blankie. The baby boy was a copy of taehyung. Same sharp nose and moles with an extra mole down the lower lip like him

"Hold them Mr. Jeon '' the oldest nurse said and ushered Jungkook to hold his both babies. She helped him to carry both the fluff balls before leaving them with the other two nurse to let the family spend some time with the newborns

"What are you going to name them?" Yoongi asked but got a deadly glare from jungkook. Yoongi gulped and moved back. He knows somewhere it was his fault , he shouldn't have shouted at the trainee when he was still holding the gun

"Soobin hold them , i have some work to do-

"Mr. Jeon , its time to take the babies to the incubator" the old nurse said cutting off jungkook as she came with the same two other nurses

"Ooh ohk , please take care of my son and daughter" jungkook said as the two nurse tried to take the babies out of their father's hold but both of them started crying out loudly together

"Ahh ahh ani ani , dada isn't going anywhere. Dada is here only. No no, no cry my boba balls" jungkook cooed at both his kids and he slowly bounced them in his arms

"We really can't keep them out for so long , they are still premature" the head nurse said worriedly as the kids don't seem to wanna leave their dad

"Can I myself keep them in the incubators?" Jungkook asked and got a nod from the head nurse and that's when the head doctor came out

"Doctor, how is my wife?" Jungkook asked as soon as the doctor came out. The doctor sighed and pulled down his mask

"She is completely fine Mr. Jeon but-

"But what doctor?!" Jungkook asked , his heart was beating even faster than the metro train

"She can't be pregnant again. I mean her conceiving chances are very low as in 0.5%" the doctor informed looking down. Jungkook just stared at the doctor for few minutes before looking down at his two kids in his arms

"That's ok. We have our two little bundles of joy. How is my wife?" Jungkook asked again looking up at the doctor

"Other than that she is completely fine. She may regain her consciousness in next maybe seven-eight hours'' the doctor said and gave a small smile to jungkook who nodded his head and looked at the head nurse

"The incubator" Jungkook and the three nurses nodded their heads and guided him to the NICU. Jungkook followed the nurses with his both babies in his arms

"Jeon Eun-Kyung and Jeon Yeon-Cheol , listen to dada carefully ok? So dada is gonna go for an hour to take care of a few bad people but dada promises that he will come soon ok? Until then you both sleep quietly in your incubators okie? Mama is sleeping too" Jungkook softly said to his both babies and kissed their forehead before placing them one by one in their respective incubators and kissed their forehead and little hands again

"So the girl's name is Jeon Eun-Kyung and the boy's name is Jeon Yeon-Cheol?" One of the three nurses asked in which jungkook nodded his head and one last time had a glance of his two precious children before leaving the hospital with suga and hoseok



Goo Mornin

So , more one or two chapters and done. How was this story so far?

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Bye bye~

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