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Author's pov

It's finally the day of engagement and everyone is super busy. Mr. and Mrs. Kim are running all over the venue to make sure that everything is organised. The engagement is being held in India and rest all the other functions will be held in Jeju

Jimin , jisoo and the twins are already in taehyung's room to get him ready and the same goes with yoongi , hoseok and soobin. Mrs. Jeon is taking care of the guests and food arrangements along with Mr and Mrs. Shrivastava

"Taehyungie unnie" zavi called taehyung who just got out from the washroom after freshening up

"Yes hun" taehyung said as he kept the towel on the dresser and sat in front of it to do his skin routine

"Jungkook oppa is calling, '' Zavi said, showing taehyung's phone to her. Jimin quickly took the phone before taehyung could and went out of the room while playfully glaring at taehyung

"Hey lo-

"Stop right there brother-in-law and you can't talk to tae before the ceremony" jimin said cutting off jungkook who gasped out loudly

"Why.... you said we cant meet now we cant even talk , this is torture" jungkook whined out as he threw his towel in frustration which directly landed on yoongi's face

"Well that's how it works my lovely brother-in-law and now bye we need to get him ready" jimin said before declining the call leaving a frustrated jungkook to whine in front of his hyungs and brother
"This one will be more suitable"

"No this one"

"No this one"

"Nope nope , this one is the best"


"Shut up!!! This one"

"Ohh this is beautiful"

"Yeah right it is"

Finally after four hours all they were ready. Giving the final touches to their makeup and taking all the necessary supplies in their handbags. The bride and along with his bridesmaids left for the venue

The groom and his groomsmen were already in the venue. Let's say Jungkook was dying to see his bride. He is already in this position in their engagement. What will happen on their wedding day??

"Seriously kook. Stop acting as if you are in love with your bride. Remember it's an arranged marriage '' Yoongi hissed while jungkook just pouted. Poor boy just wanted to have his bride in his arms, nothing else. Is it too much to ask?

"Ohh, finally the bride is here," Katherine said loudly, catching everyone's attention. Jungkook swiped his head towards the entrance and his breathe got knocked off

Taehyung was looking like a walking sin. He was looking drop dead gorgeous in that white lehenga and the jewelleries, makeup and hairstyle were adding up more to his beauty. Jungkook was frozen in his spot and same goes to his two cousins

Everyone was gawking at the beautiful bride and his bridesmaids. Soobin pinched Jungkook's waist to bring him back from his dreamland. Jungkook hissed and glared at his brother who just gave him a teasing look

"My lord look at my son-in-law. Isn't he the most beautiful person? You look so pretty, my son. May nobody cast an evil eye." Katherine said as she took some kohl from her and placed her finger behind taehyung's ear

Taehyung shyly looked down as Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Shrivastava did the same thing. Jimin and jisoo lead taehyung to his groom who was impatiently waiting to have him in his arms while Zavi and avi went to their mother

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