20. Epiloue

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Jungkook's pov

Let's just say it was a very hard time for me to explain why did tae delivered our babies earlier to our family members especially my in-laws but thanks to mom that she handled it. I never knew she knows everything about us but then again she is a mother and a mother knows everything about his/her children

I almost freaked out when mom said to me that she knew about our relationship before marriage and the secret mafia job and my possessiveness over taehyung since the start but i calmed down when she said that she didn't had any problem with it

About soobin , that cheeky little bunny. Never knew there was already something going between him and my brother-in-law yeonjun but nonetheless i am happy for them. They have been dating for few months and i just pray that they have a successful relationship and a happy life ahead

About our children and my wife , so we have been doing great. It's been eight years since our twins came in this earth. And a little tiny angel just four months ago. Yes, we had another child and it's a baby girl. I am so happy that i can't express how happy i actually am

Eun-kyung is a bossy girl. She got that sassy , savage attitude from her mother Offcourse. Getting into fights often. I was shocked when she once beat up a eight grader because that guy was bullying a girl. I can say that she will handle my mafia business very nicely. My eight year old girl can beat people twice than her age

Yeon-Cheol is a calm , introverted and patient boy. Books is his world. I still remember how tiny my boy was but now he almost reaches till my chest already. My boy is just so sharp and intelligent. Always calm and collected in every situation , so contrast to her elder twin sister's behaviour

And finally our small little four months old baby girl, Jeon Noo-ri. Our shy little girl. Yeon is the one she always sticks too. An oppa's girl. Neither of our kids are naughty except eun who is a damn rebellious kid. None of our kids give us a hard time

Tae mostly works from home. Riri still needs us and surprisingly eun helps tae until i come home. Inside our home eun is a softy but once she is out dunno what happens that her attitude takes a 270° turn

Yoongi hyung and jimin got married like five years ago and they have a three years old girl and same goes with hoseok hyung and jisoo , they have a four years old boy. Namjoon hyung and jin hyung have a seven years old son and three years daughter. All of us are happily married and living a happy and content life with our better halves and our kids

Today i am out on a date with my son. Yeon-Cheol and i go on these types of dada-son date to bond better. I usually take him to book fairs or museums or art galaries because he loves these things but today i took him to seoul land , a theme park for kids in Gwancheon

Music , books and arts are somethings yeon loves a lot , like a lot. Not gonna brag but he got that from me. But the sparkles in my boy's almond doe eyes is what i wanted to see

"Are you enjoying my bun?" I caressed his fluffy black hairs. My little baby bear. He looked up at me and nodded his head eagerly, boxy smile on full display. God please don't ever let my son's smile flatter even a bit

"I am happy to know it" i picked him up and then we walked up to the botanical garden part. He might be tall but he is kinda light weight.

"Dada dada candy floss" yeon jumped and pointed at the candy floss stall. I chuckled and kissed his bread cheeks before walking up to that stall with three bodyguards following us

It's rare to see yeon all excited like this but i treasure all these moments with not only him but with my two dolls too. I bought him a candy floss and then we walked into the botanical garden after getting the pass

"Dada!! Antirrhinum majus" yeon squealed as he pointed at the snapdragon plant. How did he know its scientific name?

Yeon kept on pointing at different plants and telling their names. His squeals and giggles are what I wanted. Seeing him so happy makes me feel content. The galaxy i can see in his eyes , i can kill anyone to keep that that way

I kissed his cheeks and forehead and after roaming around the garden we went to the zoo and my boy couldn't keep his loud squeals to himself. He never squealed so much before and i am so happy to see him like this. My little baby bear

After our date we went back home. We have enjoyed a lot today in the Seoul land. I can say Yeon had the time of his life today. As we reached home he just ran off to tae and started telling him what he saw and what we did there with the tons of pictures we took

"Dada dada next time let's go all together like a family outing" my boy jumped all the way to me and hugged me with a huge boxy smile. My kids happiness is what matters to me the most

"Of Course bun" he snuggled into my chest before running off to riri's playroom as i assume eun and she are taking an afternoon nap. I watched my little boy jump around in our house being so happy

"Looks like he enjoyed a lot today" the love of my life , the mother of my children , the queen of not only our household or my business but my heart too Jeon Taehyung. People say I am obsessed with him , he says I am possessive over him. Honestly i do not care what others say and think because all i know is that i love him and only him

"Yeah a lot" he not only brought colours to my black and white world but also taught me the meaning of actual love.I still remember the day I meet my wife for the very first time

"What are you thinking?" Bringing him closure to myself, I wrap my arms around him and open his hair which was tied into a bun , letting his hair fall down his shoulder. He is the most beautiful intersex i have ever laid my eyes on

"How to keep these smiles on yours and our little fluff balls faces forever" wrapping his arms around my neck he went on his tippy toes and pecked my lips

"By staying beside us and loving us forever" he knows very well how to play with words. Almost nine years of married life and almost 5.7 years of being boyfriends we are still the same, crazy lovers with now three angels

"I love you" expressing my love to him in different ways and finding new ways is what i desire. This fire of love for him which is ignited in my heart , i don't thing it's going to ever extinguish for next 100 lifetimes maybe more than that

My heart and my soul are bounded with his. For every lifetime i wish to only have him as my better half. My soulmate. I never ever once in these 15.6 years of our relationship regretted to meet him.

"I love you too" Love. This word was like a forbidden word to me until i met him. Making me feel all those things which i thought was only possible in fictional books. My heart still skips a beat whenever he says I Love You

"We love you too!" And our three lovely kids. I couldn't have asked for anything more. This is what i ever wanted , a happy family with the love of life and our kids. I only have a single wish from the almighty , to keep this happiness of my family forever and ever

And they lived more such years of happiness together. This isn't an end of their story because true love stories never have an ending....


With this final chapter I hereby offically announce the completion of this book.

Your author,

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