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Author's pov

"Eomma!!!" Jungkook shrieked and started jumping up and down like a toddler with a huge bunny smile. He literally looked like a toddler who got his favourite candy. Adding to the fact that he was wearing an oversized sweater and slacks

Taehyung chuckled seeing his husband so happy. The winter holidays are going on. Its mid of January and its around -3°C outside so the soon-to-be parents are inside their home spending their whole day cuddling inside the duvet

Taehyung is now in his seventh month and the baby has been very active. Today, god knows what jungkook was talking with the baby, when he placed his palm on the bump to give a high five at the same time the baby kicked at his palm as if returning the high five. The small palm of the foetus was clearly seen too

"Did you see that baby? Ohh devil our baby high fived ohh my" jungkook still couldn't believe that their child has started kicking too

"Who will believe that you are the most feared mafia and CEO of Asia's biggest mafia group and jewelry company" taehyung said chuckling as he held his seven months baby bump

"Inside our home i am just your husband and our baby's dada and outside our home i am the mafia king and CEO" jungkook said taking a seat beside taehyung on the couch. Taehyung sniffed as tears started spilling out of his eyes

"Ohh my love" jungkook cooed at his dear heart and hugged him rubbing his back. Taehyung has been very sensitive to words nowadays

"Cheesy bastard" taehyung said hiccuping in which jungkook chuckled

"Say love , you wanna eat some tacos?" Jungkook asked, taehyung eagerly nodded his head with a boxy grin as if he wasn't crying just a moment ago

"Here we go , tacos for my baby" jungkook sing songed before picking taehyung bridal style and taking him to the kitchen and made him sit on the counter and wore the apron and started taking out the ingredients for tacos

Taehyung just watched his husband make tacos when his phone rang. He picked it to see it was a call from yeji. He smiled and picked the call


"Hi mom" taehyung greeted his mother and leaned on the pillar beside the counter

"Hello my lovely, how are you doing?" Yeji asked while sipping her coffee

"I am doing great mom" taehyung replied and smiled big when his husband danced all his way to the fridge to bring the meat

"And what about my grandchild and my son-in-law?" Yeji asked with a smile. She heard taehyung chuckling so she guessed he might be with jungkook

"Both are doing great too" taehyung replied and chuckled when he saw jungkook adding salt in the mixture in a weird style

"What were you doing?" Yeji asked curious to know as to what got his son all giggly

"Kookie is making us some tacos" taehyung replied and laughed when jungkook did Michael Jackson's famous moon walk up to him and kissed his lips

"Ohh i see , you both are staying warm right. I heard the temperature has dropped a lot in Seoul" yeji couldn't help but smile so big after hearing his son's constant giggles and laughter

"Yes we are" taehyung replied and watched his husband with a smile. Ohh how whipped he is for this sexy , hot man infront of him

"Great then" yeji said before taking a sip from her coffee. 2°C outside cold but you inside your warm home inside the comforter with a cup of hot coffee , its ______

[A/n: fill the blank( ≧∀≦)ノ]

"Sause?" jungkook asked showing the ketchup bottle, you never know what would taehyung want in the toppings

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