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Author's pov

To say Jungkook is pissed would be an understatement. He is hella pissed because apparently his fíance's besties are not allowing him to even talk to him. Poor guy hasn't talked to his love for more than three months. Its pure torture!!!

All of them had arrived in Jeju yesterday morning and were assigned different rooms. The spring season has already rolled down giving a serene atmosphere. And to add on it both the fíances are floors apart from each other and they are not even allowed to call each other

Poor Jungkook-shii. He is sulking the whole day while his hyungs just wanna choke him to death. They can't believe that this pouting bunny is the Mafia king and is the leader of the biggest mafia group

Jungkook is sitting in one corner of his room with hands folded on his chest and a huge pout on his lips. Hoseok and yoongi are so close from banging their own head on the wall. Never knew that their boss/ cousin could be this bratty

"Guys!! Whats up...? What happened? Why do you both look so frustrated?...and what happened to this bunny?" Kim Namjoon, jungkook's best friend asked when he got inside the groom's hotel room

"Joon stop me before i throw this rabbit from this 7th floor" yoongi said glarring at the pouting bunny. Jungkook just humped and turned around and was again back to sulking

"Guys what's happening? Atleast tell me" namjoon asked and received just sighs from both the male and a loud hmpp from the supposedly mafia king

"What the-

"Jimin and jisoo are not allowing this rabbit and tae to talk. So our 'boss' is sulking because he can neither meet his fíance nor talk to him" hoseok explained with a sigh , finger coating boss

"Ohh" was all namjoon said before face palming

"The fuck kook. Keep sulking and their your bride is already getting ready for you guys sangeet/mehndi ceremony" namjoon said and went to the closet to take out the "groom's" outfit for tonight

"Aren't you happy that you gonna meet him in two hours?" Namjoon asked setting jungkook sherwani on the bed

"Its of no use hyung. Those two 'besties' of my wife buzz around my tae like damn bees and whenever i want to talk to him they will take him away" jungkook said grumpily. The three of them sighed before dragging a certain rabbit to get ready

On the other hand:-

"WoW tae, you are looking an atom bomb in this dress. I am sure your husband's heart is gonna go boom boom after seeing you" Kim Seokjin, taehyung's cousin and namjoon's huswife said giggling. Taehyung looked down shyly as his cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink

"LoL. He doesn't even needs a blush" jisoo teased earning a whine from the bride

"Ohk ohk now stop teasing my bestie" jimin said. All of them were giggling and teasing taehyung and finally after 5 hours they were all ready

Mrs. Jeon and Mrs. Kim came to look at taehyung and showered him praises after praises and same goes with Mrs. Shrivastava when she came inside. Zavi and avi couldn't stop themselves from fangirling over taehyung's beauty as they secretly took his photo and sneekly rushed to their jungkookie oppa's room

"Yes, how may i help you girls"hoseok asked after opening the door. The girls just giggled and ran inside leaving a chuckling hoseok behind

"Oppa" the twins shouted and stood infront of jungkook who smiled at the cuties and kissed their cheeks before going to his bag and brought two big candies for the two girls

"Here, don't tell aunty ok?" Jungkook said and gave the candies to the twins who giggled and nodded their head

"Oppa guess what we have for you" zavi said as she swayed back and forth on her heel

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