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"Beeeeeep" was the sound that filled the room. All my classmates got up and rushed out of the class. I was the last one as usual. I hated getting up first because I always got pushed out the way or tripped. I hated being the center of attention , but Jackson High School is very known for bullying, especially if you looked like me. I'm 5ft tall, 250 pounds, with an okay size butt, Just my luck. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty in the face, but my body just doesn't match. I got up, collected my books and headed home.

I was in no rush to get home, I always took the long way. As I walked down the street I saw a few boys from school in my view. I proceeded to cross the street to walk on the opposite side hoping they wouldn't see me, but I'm kind of hard to miss. "Hey Miss Piggy." Chris from school yelled. " Little booties matter." His friend yelled while laughing. I just put my head down and continued walking. I tried not to let them get to me, but their comments did hurt. Probably because I knew they were true. I pulled myself together and walked in the house.

"GABBY IS THAT YOU?" my mom yelled from upstairs.

"Yes mama it's me" I said, putting my book bag down.

"Bring your ass up here." she said back to me. Just by the tone of her voice I knew she had been drinking. I dragged myself upstairs taking my time.

"Gabby you really need to lose that weight, it's no way possible it took you ten mins to walk up sixteen stairs."

" You're very much exaggerating." I mumbled under my breath.

"What the fuck did you just say?" say it louder." she said to me.

"Nothing mama, what can I do for you?" I wasn't in the mood to get slapped up.

"What can you do for me?" you think you're better than me huh?"

"Here we go." I thought to myself.

I swear, any moment my mom gets a chance to make me feel like crap, she takes it. Sometimes I be wanting to hear things like , "hello daughter, how was school?" Or hey baby, how are you feeling today?" , but I never get that. This is why I constantly take my time coming home. I'm over it.

"You ain't nothing but a fat, sloppy and stupid little girl. Just look at you, I heard the chuckle in her voice as she continued. " hair nappy, shirt dirty, and I can see exactly what you had for lunch today. Just get out of my room, you make me sick." She said dismissing me.

She didn't have to tell me twice. I walked out her room and went into mine down the hall and slammed the door. I hated the way she talked to me. I thought your mother was supposed to love and adore you, but not mine. After my dad left last year my mom changed for the worse. She drank her pain away daily and lives off my child support check. She hated me because she felt like my dad favoritized me and loved me more than her. In reality he was just sick of her controlling ways and to top it off she couldn't cook. My dad and I used to laugh at her ass all the time. When she cooked I used to be irked. My dad would walk past me at the dinner table and smirk at me and say

" You better eat all your food" , I'm full. He used to say to me.

All while he was taking his food in the kitchen and throwing it in the trash. After being at the table for thirty minutes, he'll eventually let me throw away what I didn't like. I was a daddy's little girl. He always taught me how I should be treated by a man, to always love myself first and also how beautiful I am. I needed to listen to him more because some days I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I was thankful that my dad still paid my phone bill and gave me a few dollars when I asked, but I really do miss having him around. I laid down and stared at the poster I had on my wall. It was a picture of my High School crush Jay. Jay is a senior like me and when I tell y'all he's fine, I mean fine fine. He's tall, dark skinned and muscular built just like I like them, but he was definitely out of my league. I got interrupted from my thoughts by the buzzing of my phone. My best friend's name popped up on my screen.

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