Chapter Twelve

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It's been a month since Christmas and today is my Eighteenth birthday. The day after Christmas I met up with Jade and we exchanged gifts. She loved her new lighted vanity mirror, but she loved her birthstone bracelet more. She loved her gifts so much that she started crying while looking at them. She was so thankful and kept repeating to me that no one has ever got her anything so thoughtful before. Jade also gave me a gift as well. She gave me a friendship necklace with our picture on it and a quote written on it that expressed our friendship. She also gave me a fifty dollar gift card to Chick fil' a because she knows I love that place.

I loved my gifts as well and besides all the drama that happened that day, I can honestly say that I felt really loved and It was the best Christmas I had in a long time. I got interrupted out my thoughts from my phone buzzing under my pillow. I looked at my phone and saw Jade calling me.

" Hello." I said, smiling through the phone.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAAYYY BESSTTT. It's aquarius season" Jade, yelled through the phone.

" Thank you bestfriend." I said back to her.

" Eww what are you doing? You sound so dry, I don't like that." She said to me.

I laughed because I could picture what her face looked like right now.

" Girl, I just woke up. Plus, how am I supposed to sound? You know today is just another day for me." I said to her, being honest.

I never do anything for my birthday. Jade usually tries to buy me things and take me out, but I always reject her. I appreciate the things she does for me, but It shouldn't have to be just her job to keep a smile on my face and make me feel special.

" You're supposed to sound like it's a bad bitch birthday, duhh. What's the plans for today? And don't say nothing like you always do." she asked me.

" Nothing really. I was thinking about taking driving lessons with Sam if she's not busy." I said, laughing at Jade's crazy self.

" Umm you talking about evil godzilla Sam? The one that had you upset and worked up for weeks? I'm confused." She said back to me

" Yes jade, her." I said Huffing and puffing. " She offered to take me out for driving lessons and I think I want to take her up on that offer."

" Okay, but when I offered you, you told me no. That's not fair." Jade said, pouting.

" You're right, I did reject you. Only because I wasn't in the right mindset at the time. Now that I'm working and making my own money, I'm ready to explore more and start reaching some of my goals." I admitted to her.

That is my honest truth. I'm getting older and it's time to stop dwelling on my current circumstances and being sad about my childhood and focus on getting prepared for adulthood. Therapy has been helping me alot with dealing with my anger and my emotions. It's going to take me a long time to feel a hundred percent normal because I've never felt that before, but I'm on the right path of finally being okay.

" Okay, I guess Gabrielle. Just be careful." She said, before disconnecting the call.

I can tell Jade felt some type of way because she never calls me by my first name. Sometimes I feel like Jade only wants me to herself. This is not the first time I thought about hanging out with someone else and she got upset. I remember a few months ago, I was standing at my locker talking to this girl from my class about our upcoming project we had to do together. We were laughing and joking about how lame our teacher is , when Jade walked up to us being rude.

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