Chapter Twenty Two

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" TYLER." I screamed as I ran up and kneeled down to him.

He was lying there in his own puddle of blood with his eyes slightly open. I heard my dad in the background on the phone with the cops trying to get the ambulance to come as soon as possible. My hands were shaking as I used them to try to stop the blood. I took my work sweater off and tried using it, but it was no use because I couldn't stop the bleeding from everywhere. He looked like he was shot multiple times.

" Tyler please stay up. Please don't leave me." I cried out to him

My heart was beating so fast and I couldn't stomach the thought of losing him. The thought of my mom and then him all in less than a year really was eating me up right now. My heart is really hurting for him and it's killing me that I couldn't do anything about it to help him.

" DAD WHAT'S TAKING THEM SO LONG." I yelled as I stood up and started pacing back and forth.

I felt my breathing starting to get out of control and the last thing I needed was a panic attack right now, I needed to stay focused.

" Babygirl, I just hung up the phone with them. I need you to calm down for me. You're shaking really badly." My dad said to him

" Dad, I can't wait for them. We have to get him to the hospital NOW." I said back to him.

Leave it up to them, Tyler will be gone soon. I can't risk waiting, but I also didn't want to risk moving him either. I didn't want to move him and blood start coming out more. I didn't want to be the reason he's gone. I sat on the sidewalk and cried, praying that god would help him. I watched as my dad stood over him examining his body and trying to keep him awake.

" Come on gabby. We're gonna get him to the hospital ourselves." My dad said, looking over at me

" Are you sure it's safe?" I asked him

" From the looks of it, I can see where he's been shot at. I'm not a DR , but from my guess he has a good chance of living. We just have to slow down the bleeding. I need you to help me put him in the backseat and continue to put pressure on his wombs. Do you understand me?" He asked me

" Yes." I said as I quickly stood up and walked towards Tyler's body.

I opened the car door first while my dad grabbed the top of Tyler's body. I grabbed his legs as we carefully walked towards the car. My dad had most of Tyler's body weight on him so it wasn't that hard for me to help carry him. My dad got into the car backwards and pulled Tyler inside as he exited out the other end of the car. I got in and had Tyler's legs on me as I used the sweater my dad gave me to try to slow down the bleeding. Tears flowed down my face as my dad pulled off speeding down the block. I had so many unanswered questions. " What was the fight about in the first place?" "Since when did Tyler and Chris become enemies like this?" " Can all this be happening because of me?" I cried harder as I thought about me being the cause of all this. Tyler was never the type of guy that got into drama. I remember always trying to convince Jade that he was the type of guy she needed in her life. I looked over at Tyler and realized his eyes were fully shut, but he was still breathing.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when we pulled up to the emergency department of Saint Charles Hospital. I watched as my dad jumped out the car and ran into the sliding doors to find help. Short moments later three nurses rolled a hospital bed out the emergency room with my dad following behind. I stepped out the car door and watched them grab Tyler out of the back seat.

" BE CAREFUL, DAMN." I yelled at them.

" Gabby, calm down." My dad said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

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