Chapter Twenty Nine

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I sat at my graduation ceremony staring over at Sam. She was really sitting there chatting and giggling with her family like she didn't recently confess a murder to me. Before I was able to respond to her statement, Tyler and her friends got back into the car. The rest of the trip, she avoided being by herself so that I wouldn't question her.

I'm not sure what happened the night her and I got into that disagreement. All I knew was when I went to go look for her, she was nowhere to be found. I knew something was off during our conversation in the kitchen the next morning, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I took a deep breath as I tried clearing my head. My name will be getting called soon to receive my diploma and I need to be focused. This moment is so big for me and bittersweet all at the same time. Receiving a diploma can be so little to most people, but if a person knew my journey , what I had to endure growing up and these last few months, they would understand why this is such a major achievement for me. So many times I wanted to end my life, but god had other plans for me. He strengthened me where I was weakened and gave me the courage to keep on fighting. To wake up each and everyday to work towards becoming a better version of myself. Having breath in my body and the ability to correct my wrongs and prosper in life is such a blessing alone. I'm beyond grateful.

Today our graduation is at our home, Jackson High school. They nicely decorated our huge football field with over a thousand chairs and a well put together enclosed stage. They even had a decorated photo section for afterwards. It was a bunch of chaos leading up to today's ceremony. You'll think they were still in elementary school with how childish many were being. From complaining about the songs we had to perform, to who was saying what and who didn't want to be called after this person or that person. It was ridiculous, but I'm just glad everything turned out beautifully and well organized.

I looked over and smiled at Tyler as he smiled back at me. Today he is also graduating and his family is here to support him. He has been through so much these last few months and I'm so proud of him for still chasing his dreams and not letting his anger or these streets distract him. I smiled even harder when I realized his mom and his dad showed up.  Ms Janet sickness is becoming worse and these last past days she has really been struggling,  so seeing her today put joy in my heart. Tyler and his dad have really been growing a close bond. They

decided to put the past behind them and I'm honestly happy to see it.

" Tyler Young." was called out next.

I stood up and cheered loudly, clapping my hands as Tyler stood up and walked towards the stage. I giggled at his silly behind as I watched him do a little dance . Tyler was chosen to do a speech so he stood there looking over us as he prepared to talk.

" Wow, I can't believe I'm actually standing here." He said, causing a few to laugh." Naw forreal, these last few months I've been tested in the worst way, but by the grace of god, I passed every test. This year has been a roller coaster ride for me and I know it may have been for y'all as well, but today is the day we can feel good. Today is the day we can smile and pat ourselves on the back because we did a great thing. We accomplished something that many people have not. To be honest it's this one girl, this one special girl that I have to thank for this very moment right here. If it wasn't for her pushing me as well, I would've been locked up or even worse, dead. Her constant lectures, threats to stop messing with me most definitely got on my nerves, but that was the tough love I needed. Gabriele thank you so much for just being you. For caring for a nigga, I mean a guy like me." He said, chuckling.

I smiled and silently said "your welcome."

"No forreal,  thank you. You're an angel of mine and I appreciate you. I also want to thank my teachers for yall patience when I was going through my personal issues. Yall let me make up for my missed time and didn't give up on me. There was a chance I wouldn't be standing here today. I thought I lost my life a couple months ago, but I was given a second chance. My today's message is, keep fighting, keep going. No matter what life throws at you, chase that career you want. Follow your dreams and don't look back. We are bigger than our current circumstances and never make giving up an option. WE DID IT BABY! I'M MAKING IT TO THE NFL, I PROMISE YOU THAT!." He yelled while everyone clapped.

I watched as he walked off the stage and walked towards his family. His grandparents stood there proudly and greeted him with open arms.

"The next name I would like to call up here is " Gabrielle Williams."

I stood up and fixed my dress as I heard my family screaming my name and cheering me on. I took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the stage making sure I was careful. My worst nightmare would be falling in these heels in front of all these people.

As I walked towards the stage I couldn't help but get teary eyed. I so badly wanted to hold it in, but it took Tyler to yell " LET IT OUT BABY" for me to finally let my tears flow. I deserved this and today I can honestly say I earned it. I walked across the stage and accepted my diploma before shaking her hand and walking off.

Usually my insecurities get the best of me and I'll walk with my head held low, but today my head was held high with a bright smile on my face. I am no longer that shy insecure little girl and nothing and no one could break me or tell me otherwise. Ms Linda stood there with flowers and a smile on her face.

" I told you, you could do it sweetheart. You're strong, just like I said you were." She whispered in my ear as she hugged me tightly.

I then was braced with hugs from my dad, his wife and family and also Jade. I was surprised to see her here. I haven't talked to her since before the trip and once I found out she wasn't graduating I didn't think she would show, but she did.

" Yea, thats my bestfrienddd. I'm so proud of you girl." She said, hugging me.

" Thanks Jade, you really came." I said, wiping my tears. 

" I wouldn't miss this for nothing in this world. I may not have graduated with you, but I will always be here to support you. I love you girl." She said to me.

I just smiled as I felt someone's arms wrapping around me. The familiar voice spoke into my ear and said,

" Your mom is smiling down at you right now. You proved so many wrong and I just want to tell you I love you and congratulations." He said before turning me around and kissing me.

This kiss held so many fireworks and right then and there I knew Tyler is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.


" So again, my question is, WHO ARE YOU?" Who is Gabrielle Williams?" My therapist asked once again.

This time it wasnt no hesitation. It wasn't any confusion.  

" For starters, I'm all the good things God says I am and nothing the devil portrays me to be. I'm a person who started something and finished it. I'm able to proudly check off a goal on my list. I'm a strong, black, independent young woman. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I'm smart, beautiful, strong, brave and I am somebody. I'm Gabrielle Williams and no one can take that from me. I am a person who overcame many obstacles. Some that may break other people, but I stood strong and trusted god through the course. I may have lost my mother, but I've gained a bonus family. Today I can smile because I have every reason to.

Today is the day that will set me up for a brighter future. A future I can't wait to tackle.

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