Chapter 1: The Friendship Festival

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  You already know who I am so let's get this started. Everything starts with the beginning of the film, ponies singing around Equestria, and Spike was in a hurry. Pretty sure, you already know the rest. But this is different, thanks to my new script. Now, let's start with Twilight. *Sighs* Even though I wish not to talk about her, but I have to. It's in the script I wrote.

Spike: "Twilight, anything we needed for the Festival?" He asked as he noticed Twilights not smiling. "Twilight, what's wrong? Is it a festival? Did we do something wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Twilight Sparkle: "No, it's not that, Spike. It's something."

Spike: "Wait, is it that...."

Twilight Sparkle: "Mmhm..." As she nodded. "I still haven't told him."

Spike: "You haven't told Flash about it."

Twilight Sparkle: "That's the problem. I haven't told him yet. I wish I could but it's so hard. When I'm about to tell him, he just smiles to see me, and I just stand there petrified of what to say."

Spike: "Twilight, come on. You can tell him. You're the Princess of Friendship, you have the hooves to tell. Since you two got married like a moons ago, your friends were happy you have a coltfriend. Even Cadence was happy when she found out you were gazing upon him. And Shining Armor appreciates Flash to protect you as your royal guard. I'm sure he will be happy when you tell him. But right now, the festival we need to plan."

She thinks about it as she enters the throne room and meets with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance, asking that they reposition the sun and moon for the concert performance of pony pop star Songbird Serenade. However, the princesses tell Twilight that each of their magic serves a purpose and that, as the Princess of Friendship, she already has all the magic she needs to make the festival a success. Pretty sure, we already know the rest because this is the most boring conversation that I ever watch. Trust me, all they did is talk, talk, talk, and blah, blah, blah, about friendships. But cross that out, it's not in the script. Now meanwhile, the rest of the Mane Six set up the festival's main stage area: Rainbow Dash clears the weather, Pinkie Pie makes balloon animals, Fluttershy rehearses with her chorus of songbirds, Applejack hands out apple cider, and Rarity decorates the stage.

Pinkie Pie: "Whoa! Heads up, Fluttershy! Out of control balloooooon!!"

Fluttershy: "Hoo. I don't think it's the balloon that's out of control, Pinkie Pie!"

Applejack: "Hey, y'all! Anypony up for some free samples of my family's apple cider?"

Rainbow Dash: "Ah! Thank you! Loved it!"

Rarity: "*Humming*"

Applejack: "Wow, Rarity. It's a fine job you're doin' there. 'Course it might not get done 'til after the concert."

Rarity: "Applejack, darling, anypony can do "fine". Twilight asked me, so clearly, she's going for fabulous, and fabulous takes time."

Rainbow Dash: "Fabulous takes forever! But "awesome"..." As she flies past.

Fluttershy: "Whoa!"

Rainbow Dash: "...can get done in four seconds flat! Faster if I do my sonic rainboom!"

Rarity: "Aah! Nono, oh no! Don't you dare, Rainbow Dash! It looks wretched enough already."

Rainbow Dash: "Oh come on, it's fine!"

Rarity: "If you were raised in a barn! Ahem, no offense, Applejack."

Applejack: "None taken. Especially since I wasn't raised in a barn. My family just happens to have a barn. Where I was born. And... spent most of my formative years..."

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