Chapter 2: Fishes over Canterlot

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All of Canterlot was on edge as the large ship crashed through the festival and everypony gasped, and then it stopped. Everything went silent, as the jaw of the shark opened like a drawbridge. Then a mysterious figure approaches from the shadow revealing itself as an orange crab creature with strange clothes.

Orange Crab: "Greetings, Land-Ponies of the Surface. I am Krad, an Atlantians Crab and a Royal Servant to the Queen of Atlantis. We came from the Deep Sea called Atlantis and have come here with peace and harmony between the Land and the Sea. And sorry, about your festival we needed a shore to dock. But we're only here to reveal our existence to a surface to show we're only here to bring harmony. And now, let me introduce our first Land-Creature who helped us see the harmony of your surface. I give you..... Tempest Shadow!"

He gestured to the ship as a pony stepped out of the smoke inside. It was a dark pink unicorn with a pink mane, wearing armor with a symbol of the trident. But there was something not quite right about her, mainly the stump where her horn had once been.

Twilight Sparkle: "Is that a... unicorn?"

Spike: "I think so, but what happened to her horn?"

Tempest Shadow: "Thank you for your speech, Krad. The Queen will be pleased with it."

Krad: "Indeed..." As he bowed. "Even if you're not one of us...." With a sinister silence, as the three alicorn princesses flew down.

Princess Celestia: "Tempest, is it?" She asked, getting a nod from the lead pony. "How may we help you?"

Tempest Shadow: "Oh, I'm so glad you asked." She smiled. "How about we start with your complete and total surrender?"

This statement caused even more murmuring from the pony crowd, the knight running up next to the princesses.

Twilight Sparkle: "Hi there." She waved. "Princess of Friendship." She took a deep breath, "Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out."

Tempest Shadow: "Oh, goody. All four Princesses." She glanced around at this. "Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!"

Princess Luna: "And why should we cower before you?" She asked. "There's one of you, and hundreds of us."

Tempest Shadow: "*Chuckles* I was hoping you'd choose "difficult." As she pulls out a small looking sphere box that has weird symbols around it.

Princess Celestia: "What's in the box?" She asked.

Tempest Shadow: "Oh, something you all might have a splash."

She tosses it nicely, as it lands and rolls towards their hooves. With a beeping, it stops and blasts powerful waves at them. Soon, an army of strange and different Atlantians Creatures starts charging out from the ship with weird steel armor as they carry steel tridents, and invades the city. The royal guards defend the princess and the city, and use their magic to defeat them. But it does not have any effect on them, as they laugh maniacally because they didn't feel pain and then throw more water-bomb around the city.

Twilight Sparkle: "Their Magic, it doesn't have any effects." As she's with Cadance.

Then a red Atlantians Lobster came with a metal claw started firing his blaster at them, as Cadance step in took the hit for Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: "Cadance!"

Cadence was surrounded by the Atlantians as they used chains to lock her magic and contain. The ponies were surrounded by them, as Celestia and Luna were left.

Princess Celestia: "Luna, quick! Go south beyond the Badlands!"

Princess Luna: "Hmph!"

Princess Celestia: "Seek help from the Queen of the Hippo-"

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