Chapter 7: Kingdom of the seaponies

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Back on the hot air balloon, the ponies watched as the mountain got closer and came into view, now seeing it was less like a mountain and more like a fortress. It was located on a large island with only a single land-bridge connecting it to the mainland, the island being surrounded by a bunch of skyscraper-sized spikes that stuck out of the water. The mountain had been carved out somehow so that it looked like a pair of wings that were wrapped around a large plot of land that got steeper the higher it got. The very top had a large spire sticking out of it with a sphere at the very top.

Twilight Sparkle: "*Gasps* This is it!"

Pinkie Pie: "Ooh!"

Applejack: "Well, I'll be. Hippogriffs, here we come!"

But before they could, a powerful gust of wind swept around the mountain and struck the side. The balloon continued to fall, only to miss a big spike sticking out the water, but the balloon fabric did get snagged. This brought it to a sudden and complete halt, the remaining ropes bouncing the craft back up with such a jolt that some of the occupants were thrown out. Luckily, the balloon was only a few feet off the water when this happened, the group now finding themselves splashing into the flat without too much injury.

Flash Sentry: "Everypony okay?" He asked.

Applejack: "Well at least we're all in one piece." She added as she got onto the bridge and shook herself dry before ringing out the water in her hat.

Spike: "Let's just rest here for a moment." He laid down on the ground.

Twilight Sparkle: "We can't rest, finding the Hippogriffs is all that matters."

They began to make their way up as the fliers, minus Twilight and Fluttershy, flew straight up to get a better look and make sure there weren't any obstacles. The others walked and found the path, which like the mountain, had been carved out of rock and placed atop the dugout soil.

Rarity: "We had to crash the balloon at the bottom of the mountain! That's it! I simply... cannot... even! I have nothing! The bad guys have won! I'm so sorryyyyyyyy-y-y-y!" She dramatically cried out as she laid on the ground.

Rainbow Dash: "We're almost there." She announced gaining her attention.

Rarity: "Will you stop saying that?!" She asked incredulously.

Rainbow Dash: "No really." She smiled before she flew ahead to see the entrance to the Hippogriff Kingdom.

Twilight gasped with a smile and Applejack laughed goodnaturedly.

Rarity: "*Sighs* Time to rest my hooves!"

They arrived but saw it was completely abandoned, no Hippogriffs or any creature in sight.

Rarity: "Are we sure this is the right place?" She asked with a slight shiver.

Applejack: "Hello?!" She asked. "Is anypony home?!" As she said that, Pinkie began warping around the place in a way that only Pinkie Pie could.

Pinkie Pie: "No Hippogriffies here!" She called out before warping. "Or here! Or here! Or here or here or here!" She then appeared in front of Twilight. "Waaaaaiiit!" She lifted a stone in front of the alicorn and peered under it. "Nope!" She dropped it. "This place is emp-ty!"

Twilight Sparkle: "But..." She gulped. "Celestia...the map. They have to be here."

Flash frowned, placing a wing on her shoulder.

Flash Sentry: "Look..." He pointed at a nearby statue showing a hippogriff in all its bird pony glory. "They were here. But Celestia isn't all knowing. She couldn't have known they left."

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