Chapter 11: The Deep Sea rises

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Tempest and the Cecaelia were fully wide-eyed seeing Neslia just took down two sub, and everyponies in Canterlot were cheering for their savior.

Tempest Shadow: ""What?!" She yelped. "How?!"

Twilight smiled as the purple alicorn remembered the only power strong enough to overcome any evil.

Twilight Sparkle: "*Gasp* It's...It's the Magic of-"

Princess Cecaelia: "Yeah, yeah!" She laughed as she pretended to hug the pair. "Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and bleh!" She stuck her tongue out in disgust before throwing the ponies aside. "I'm so totally over the cute land-pony thing. But I'm not letting the sea be controlled by their protector who does not restore the sea."

Tempest Shadow: "Then let me take care of her. I will show her what magic I had." She lets out a spark from her new horn, but Cecaelia calms her.

Princess Cecaelia: "No need to." She pushed her aside. "She thinks she's the only one who can control the sea, well, let's see if she can deal with my big boy."

Tempest was gonna ask who the big boy was, she raised her trident as the sea and waves started to move. Everyone was startled as Neslia sensed a disturbance.

Spike: "What's going on now?" He asked, as the Mane Six saw the whirlpool in the center.

Applejack: "I don't know, but that is something we should be worrying about."

Then the rising theme song begins to play, the hippogriffs sense the waves as something emerges from the sea, tentacles move around with crab claws, and a large creature emerges from the pool catching everyone's attention.

Queen Nova: "It can't be...." She gasped as the creature revealed itself to the world and roared loudly revealing its true self.

Flash Sentry: "It's that...." He was seeing with his own eyes.

Queen Nova: "Lagriahu, Lord of the Deep Sea." She was scared and all the hippogriffs were terrified.

Princess Skystar: "They tame a Deep Sea creature?" She was surprised and terrified.

Rainbow Dash: "But that's impossible!" She claims. "No one can't tame that creature! Can they?"

On the balcony, Twilight and Tempest were surprised when Lagriahu had risen from the sea, and Tempest did not know about him coming to the surface.

Tempest Shadow: "You didn't tell me you control the Lord of the Deep Sea!" Furious, wanting an answer from her sister.

Princess Cecaelia: "Oh, right." She chuckled. "I never told you that I had him under my control." She reveals everything about how she controls Lagriahu. "Ever since I became a queen, well almost, I sent my scout to search for any trace of the Lord in the Deep Sea for a very long time. We trace it down to his resting place, and I use my trident to take control of it with a tap on his forehead while he was asleep."

Twilight Sparkle: "You mean..." She finally understand Lagriahu was the one controlling the sea, not her. "You weren't controlling the sea?"

Princess Cecaelia: "I control him, he controls the sea. That's why I hired some land-creatures to collect fish just to feed my pet to gain enough strength to control the sea. And with him under my control with this, I can restore Equestria to their rightful place." She turns and commands Lagriahu. "Destroy who sent you back to the depth! And take control of what was yours!"

Lagriahu did what she commanded and face-to-face on Neslia who was furious seeing him return to the surface. Both of them roar and hiss at each other and engage into a battle, with a powerful sonic boom pushing everything from them. Their battles have caused the waves to drift, making the ocean out of control and surrounding Canterlot. The storm waves drift the pirate ship towards Canterlot, and they brace for impact and crash through the crowds, meaning Atlantians. They jump off and battle more sea creatures, as Captain Celaeno kicks an Atlantians Guard away and slashes at another, locking weapons with it until Rainbow flew down and tackles it.

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