Chapter 6: Falling Down

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In the distance, a Megla-Sub was on the surface as Znappy sees a rainbow in the sky in the sea.

Znappy: "Oh wow, pretty rainbow. Hark! Come see!"

Hark: "Hark sees it." Seeing it. "Pretty rainbow."

Tempest Shadow: "What rainbow?" As she now staring at the color now filling the dark and dim skies.

Znappy: "I never knew they'd be a rainbow in these dark clouds."

Tempest Shadow: "Yeah. Of them to alert us. Funny, though." She slowly turned to Capper. "They don't seem to be heading to Black Skull Island."

Capper: "*Gulp*" As he adjusted his coat. "Like "ha ha" funny or... ha ha..."

Sir Claw: "That's it! Hark, chew him!"

Hark opened his jaws and was about to eat him, but Tempest stopped him with her electricity.

Tempest Shadow: "Enough! I get to say when you chew him. I'm still your leader."

Hark obeyed her commands and settled on not eating Capper.

Ray: "What's the plan when we get there?" He asked.

Tempest Shadow: "Let's see just how far they're willing to hold out. If they give the pony up, I'll be willing to forgive."

Back on the airship, the pirates and the Mane Six were still having fun until Squabble spotted something in the ocean and knew it was the Atalntians coming, and squawked and rang the bell alerting them and Celaeno as they all turned to see an Megla-Sub.

Captain Celaeno: "Atlantians! Looks like they found you!"

Twilight Sparkle: "Tempest!"She cried, as Celaeno pulled out her cutlass.

Captain Celaeno: "Secure the rigging! Lock down the cargo! Everyone, prepare to be boarded!"

Boyle rushed over to trap down and pulled it open, gesturing for the ponies to hide.

Rainbow Dash: "Ya think she saw my sonic rainboom?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Are you kidding me?!"

Then the ship was struck by something, as the pirates looked, seeing a harpoon struck through their ship and being pulled back by the Megla-Sub. The Generals climb on the chain and onboard their ship with Tempest on Hark's back, and Capper being tossed over on the ship by Ray.

Tempest Shadow: "Where is the Pony Princess?"

They all flinched at hearing Tempest's voice. They heard Celaeno moving around the deck, her peg leg patting against the wood.

Captain Celaeno: "Princess"? Prin-Cess, Prin-Cess... Nope. All we're hauling is Atlantis Queen merchandise."

The Generals start to believe them until Ray believes they are hiding, as Tempest notices.

Tempest Shadow: "You do realize that if you were to shelter fugitives, the Atlantis Queen would be quite... explosive."

That made the pirates flinch, Twilight looking petrified as she turned to the others.

Twilight Sparkle: "We have to get off this ship before they tell Tempest we're here!" She whispered loudly.

Rainbow Dash: "We helped them get their mojo back! They're not gonna give us up!" She whispered loudly.

Then they heard the smash by Hark's anchor. Twilight then got an idea.

Twilight Sparkle: "I've got this!" She stared at the cargo bay they were in.

Then Tempest started to have enough of waiting.

Tempest Shadow: "Now, I'm gonna count to three, and if you don't tell me where they are, your ship is going down. One..."

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