Chapter 5: Celaeno and the pirates

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On the airship, the ponies were now doing their best to stay hidden. Applejack and Rainbow were glancing out between the boxes and saw that the ship was being run by a bunch of humanoid bird creatures. One of them scratched their butt while burping, Rainbow flinching at this. Applejack turned to Twilight, who was still looking at the map.

Applejack: "Whadaya think, Twilight? Should we just... ask 'em to take us?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Last time we trusted somepony, he tried to sell us!"

Then Rarity starts to sniff and notice the stinky smell from one of each crates.

Rarity: "My goodness..." As she covered her snout. "These crates smell like they have been rotten inside."

All of them smell and start to cover their snout. But one of the crates hiding them was suddenly lifted out of the way, allowing those on deck to see them as they all gasped.

Green Parrot: "Hey, guys!" He yelled. "Come check this out!"

As another parrot, wearing an eye-patch, stepped up and smirked at them.

Eye-Patch Parrot: "Looks like a pack of stowaways."

Pink Parrot: "What are we s'posed to do with 'em?"

Wall-Eyed Parrot: "*Squawks*"

Green Parrot: "I think we tie 'em up!"

Pink Parrot: "We clip their wings!"

Eye-Patch Parrot: "Nah. We scar 'em... motionally!"

The Manes six gasped as the parrots decided what to do with them.

Eye-Patch Parrot: "Wai-wai-wai-wait. What say the book, Captain Celaeno?"

Then another member of the crew stomped over. She had a prosthetic leg and clanked loudly when she walked who opened up a huge book she was carrying.

Captain Celaeno: "Atlantis Queen's rule book says, "Throw them overboard."

Before they could, Flash leapt and defended the Mane six from the pirates.

Flash Sentry: "Back off!" He yelled.

Captain Celaeno: "And who you might be?" She asked.

Flash Sentry: "Flash Sentry! Royal Guard of Princess of Friendship."

Moment of silence, and all the pirates laughed.

Captain Celaeno: "Royal Guard of Princess of Friendship?!" While laughing and stopped. "Well, that suited armor is surely made of gold. Let's say we take it, and then throw you all overboard!"

But before they could do it, a loud train whistle sound filled the air. The parrots all stopped in place, Celaeno lowering her sword.

Captain Celaneo: "All right! That's lunch!"

Then cutscene showing all of them at the table, and the ponies unwittingly join the parrots for a gruel lunch.

Flash Sentry: "Uh, weren't we in the middle of something?"

Captain Celaeno: "You freeloaders can have something to eat if you want." She replied. "If you're gonna get thrown overboard, you might as well not die on an empty stomach."

Rainbow Dash: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! So you were about to toss us overboard and you stopped for a lunch break?"

Green Parrot: "The Atlantis Queen only allows one break a day for meals." The bird replied. "Then it's back to hauling goods."

Spike: "'re delivery guys?" He asked.

Captain Celaeno: "And gals." She responded. "These uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors."

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