Chapter 11- The Pain

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Daniela's pov

I swear I don't know what should I do now, papa and me are panicking to what happened to my sister all I know she's going to give birth at this moment. Hell no! Ever since the world began I did not witness any of the people who's giving birth like this moment, even the feelings, the signs or the mark how you will know if this is it?... I should have done a research in advance before.

Here at the hospital outside in the delivery room waiting for a nurse or doctor to update the condition of my sister. Promise this is not a promising one except of the fact for the child.

Pa do you think Jullie is in a good hands? Asking my father at least to ease my worriness towards my sister's delivery.

Of course honey your sister is going to be fine, this is a normal reaction for a first like her to deliver then you who witness all her pain during labour. But me at first is just lïke that seeing your mom crying for the pain she felt during her labour all I want is to let her pass the pain on me. I cannot bear the pain and the sweats pouring throught to her body.

Really? I just don't know what it feels like papa, so maybe this will be a lesson to be learned for me. Amazing later by any moment we will see the new member of our family.. A tears falling down from my eyes realizing how our mother took us out safe and sound despite all the pain she felt before. That is why mothers deserves to be a hero of everyone.

So pa what is the feeling to be a dad for us? Curious on this side.

That is the most gratifying feeling and the I am the happiest man in the world, especially carrying you and your sister on my arms. Mixed emotions honey that is why I loved your mama so much and you two, you are the true treasures in my whole life that your mom ever gave me.

I love you papa.. Huging my father tightly for what he said awhile ago. But then I don't know why I have a feeling of there's something that is not good today which I can't figure it out yet.

You can do it Jullie just believe in yourself that you can do it. We don't know what happened to you inside in the delivery room hoping for a good result that you will make it up to the last.

A woman wearing a gown approaching to us, based on what facial expression she have I slowly figure it out that there's something maybe a bad news oh god help us ,my niece and my sister to be in good hands. I look at her then I already remember her, she's my sister's Oby.

Are you the family of miss Jullie? If you are just follow me at my office we will have some things to be discussed right away for an emergency..

Suddenly she face us looking by her face she is very disappointed, then she have something important statement that she mention but all of the sudden I hate myself how I did not noticed it before a good lier maybe, how could this be happened. Unfortunately my eyes get blurred because of my unstoppable tears running down from my eyes. I never understand what the Oby. Said to us all I want from now is to see my sister. For the second time around the pain that I experienced two years ago this time I feel it again.

My mind is not functioning well, I cannot comprehend all of these... died... Baby. . .. . . Survive. .. Choose only one. . . . Heart problem. . . . Then I continue crying I feel my system are already numb all I can hear is my father's voice who accommodate all the news that what the Oby. Said.

I feel my papa hug me so tìght saying words which I refuse to undertand. Pa? How could she hide it to us until now that might bring her to death?? I don't know her reason why she did it to us.

Shhh. . . Honey try to calm down ok, doctor said she hide it to us for she want to keep her baby alive until her labour which is now. It might cause her death of keeping her child during delivery,or the worst while she's in delivery she will pass out then she will never make it successfully both of them. But don't wořry I told the doctor to do their best to survive them both. "I know honey this will be hard for us but let us be strong for her, the feeling of lossing your mother before now another fresh in cut wounds.

Oh my god, please let her and her baby safe. Unhugging to my papa and I ran so fast towards the doctor's place where I successfully reach her maybe this is now or never!

Doc. Please do whatever all you can do to save them please we can't bear enough for another heartbreak. We will owe you for this doc. Thank you so much.

All of my team we will miss Radcliff, we will do our best to make them safe and sound. I need to go then, just pray okay honey..

Thank you so much doc.


Jullie's pov

When I feel already the pain I thought this is the moment I really scared of since then. I cannot let Daniela see my suffering and my greatest pain I ever have right now. I'll do my best to deliver my child safe, I need to pretend that I am strong enough to face my greatest fear all way round since then.

Staring at Daniela's terrifying reaction suddenly I wanna cry to my highest sobbing as I can, trying to relax her and maybe confess to them what I'm hidding right now.

I feel anytime I wiłl pass out, I suddenly feel the pain in my heart that I can't bear to hide I need to make it for good, all is well.. Inside of the delivery room all I see are those people wearing a white gown and a mask then there's a different apparatus attached to my body I don't know what is these for.

My vision is quiet blurr' but still I am conscious to my surrounding what is really happening, unfortunately a sudden heart pain strikes me out again but this time twice as before until I can't breath anymore oh please let me bear it until she is already safe, I can do this, I can do this..

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