Chapter 35- It's too late to apologize

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Hey...Nick what happened to you...aisssht I never dream to be with you with this...hey..just enough drinking alcohol...ah no Im wrong...don't drown yourself in alcohol.... we still have our client to be deal of.. Nick!! Speak up that fu***** thingy for good! This man maybe my big rival to Daniela... but this is not the way I want. A punch landed to my face...I don't know if I want to beat him or is unfair in different angle you will see.. . . This man is such a big luggage to me...

"Hey Nick! What's on you?" I tossed him to the couch...he is in deep dilemma of alcohol...and I don't want to beat him to...."

Brandon & Nick convo.

"Nick don't push me to beat you hard for this fist...,I am here to listen you, even though you are my greatest rival towards Daniela...speak up man! Don't be asshole here..."

"That punch is you deserved for lying to me all through out son of a b***** all lied to me!!!"

"HEy!hey!hey! ( a punch landed to Nick's face) don't you ever dare to accused me like that...!!! WHat is your problem huh!! Don't drag me on it...!"

"Shut up asshole! A lier!!...I thought I over reacted and over thinking about things...but hah.... it is true my allegations is partly true!!!! and don't you ever deny it..!!!"

"Ever since your are dragged by someone whom you knew it! And stop acting like you don't know this at all!!"

"Hey!!! Damn you Nick, what do you mean? Huh....what are you talking about who's someone Is that?"

"You wanna know?, then , ok.. Jared Clifford, Abby, Daniela and do you have an idea about them?"

" knew it?"

"So it is true?, hmmmmp then you people who lied to me will b meet in court.."

" that is not....wha.......(he cutted my words with a puch)"

"Stop, it is useless...I will sue you in get what is mine..."

"Nick!! Maybe you already knew it, but one thing to me is clear...just talk to Daniela before you pursue your plan..."

"No need is all enough to listen for..."
Daniela's pov....

How many times I tried to contact him and still he did not answer his phone...this is odd..he usually answer my call even if he is come...oh my this is not good... Nick please just be calm ...I will explain it to you. I texted him for how many times any ways in order to reach him.. even one reply is none...this sounds not good.... as I enter to the bus way back hands are shaking....and I hate it because I know I am nervous enough to drop my phone...oh my I feel don't good for this ... . . . I continue to relax my system and if this is the called right then, I am willing to face it with a great courage...

Papa I'm home!!! Honey mommy is here! I make sure everything is in good terms despite the day I had.....

"So how is your Travel darling?" Papa still asking me about my this is it I need to do it again..

"Safe and sound Papa but sad to say he will never make it to the last trip".
"If that so, then a big opportunity for your school will vanished and for him another lane to take for"

"I know pa, he choose it and nothing to do with it. . . How is Abby?"

"She will have a family day tomorrow and yes you heard it right tomorrow...and I think you have enough time to do so."

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