Chapter 17

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I beat the boss just in time... and I made it out in one piece. What a battle.

I drank an HP potion before trying to make my way out of the theatre hall. It was empty, but I could hear some voices of a party gearing up outside.

After a few seconds my wounds felt a lot better and I was able to walk without leaning on my sword. I made my way out of the dungeon hall and back towards the village market.

"Hey old man, the battle went well."

I placed 10 medium sized mana on the table and one larger crystal from the boss. The merchant placed them on the measuring plate and the bold numbers read out 423.7MU.

"How about I give you 4 silver, a new sheath for your sword, and a T-shirt. What happened? You lose it in battle?"

The old man smirked and laughed a bit while he counted out silver coins.

"Yeah it got burned off, a shirt and a sheath would be great. Thanks old man. One other thing, could you tell me about this ring? I got it from a boss drop today."

I handed him my new silver ring. The merchants eyes lit up.

"Wow. Nice find. It's a mental strength buff magic item, but this type is pretty rare for an E Class. I don't see percent boost items often. It'll be more useful to you as you level up because the stat increase will be greater the higher your base stats are. I'd recommend you keep it if you'll be using your skill. It'll make your MP usage more efficient and your magic stronger overall."

I nodded with approval and took the ring back. I placed it on my left hand's middle finger and watched it tighten on its own.

"I was going to keep it anyways, it'll be useful . You're right. I am curious though, how much is it worth?"

The old man smiled.

"The right buyer would pay you between 20 and 30 silver for a ring like that. It's a pretty high grade E Class item, even D Class hunters would be happy to use a magic item like that."

"Awesome. That's pretty good."

"Hey catch!"

The man threw me a generic black T shirt and the exact same black leather sheath I used before. I put them both on, slid my sword onto my back and took the silver off the counter.

"Thanks again, see ya soon."

"You too kid, be safe!"

I took the train over to the Hunters Association. I walked up to the building and took a deep breath.

"Hello Jay, welcome back. What can we do for you today?"

The dark haired woman with a bright smile greeted me at the door.

"Hey is Abby I- I mean. Is Ms. Sotoro here today? I need to talk to her."

She smiled and nodded.

"Yes of course, she said she was expecting you today. Please follow me, right this way."

I followed the woman to a room in the back, she opened the door and motioned for me to step inside.

"Well, how'd it go?"

Abby was sitting behind a desk with an oval shaped couch in front of it.

I waited until the woman left and closed the door.

"I did it.... It wasn't easy."

Abby grinned.

"Oh yeahh? I thought you would. Lemme see some proof."

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