Chapter 70

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"Uhh- sure. Sounds good to me!"

Jack left the room and came back around 5 minutes later.

"They should be back from a raid within the hour. You'll have to wait around for a little while."

I nodded.

"That's fine."

Jack looked me up and down.

"Rei told me you got a new sword at the city center. Want to go to the training rooms real quick? I'd love to see how much you've improved! Swordsman to Swordsman."

I grinned.

"Sure, but I'll have to go easy on you."

"Hey come on now!"

We both walked out of his office and entered the white-walled room. Once I drew my sword Jack's eyes lit up.

"Oh-huooo! Look at that!"

He drew his sword as well.

We began to spar casually for almost an hour. Neither of us used full strength of course, but we had a good time. Clashing blades with a swordsman is like sitting down and listening to their whole life story, I learned a lot.

"Good warm-up, you're not half bad!"

Jack smirked and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh yeah? Breaking 3 practice swords in less than an hour is what you call a warmup?"

I glanced at the shards of steel in the corner of the room.

"Not my fault this sword is so strong!"

We both had a good laugh and sat down by the resting area and replenished our HP and MP.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

The training room door opened and two familiar faces popped their heads through.

"Jay!!! Welcome back!"

Maria came running in with a full set of lightweight armor on head to toe. Rei poked her head in close behind.

I instinctively used inspect and appraisal as she ran toward me.

[Lv. 156]

Active Items:

[Steel Sword] +125 Strength

[Steel Chest Plate] +100 Defense

[Steel Wrist Guards] +75 Defense

[Steel Shin Guards] +75 Defense

[Enchanted Boots] +100 Speed +100 Agility

[Golem's Pendant] +30% Mental Strength

Active Skills:

Combat Magic [Ice Summoning]

She wore light-colored clothing under the thin sheets of steel armor plates that fit around the curves of her body perfectly. Also... level 156? Jack wasn't kidding. She's been power-leveling like crazy this week!

Maria jumped through the air and put her arms out wide. Moments later she hugged me tight, I returned the favor. This is a surprise.

"Good to see you too Maria!"

She dropped down to her feet and looked up at me with a smile that quickly turned to a mildly annoyed pouting look.

"Did you get my note??"

I raised my hands in the air with a confused look. All these emotions at once caught me off guard.

"I- uhh. Yeah, why??"

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